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The great summer sale bikini bottom mystery

3 replies

ChinkChink · 11/08/2018 22:42

Summer sales in full swing, as ever in August.

Why are there racks and racks of bikini bottoms BUT HARDLY ANY TOPS?

Do manufacturers produce more bottoms than tops for some reason? Do they perhaps think we still live in the 70s and people will only buy a bottom half?

OP posts:
tectonicplates · 11/08/2018 23:33

Apparently non-matching bikinis are a thing now. Although you'd think they'd still have equal numbers of tops and bottoms left in each shop.

I wonder if women are buying bikini tops to wear as normal tops, so they don't need a bottom half.

ChinkChink · 11/08/2018 22:50

Ah well a matching pair is another issue, and you're right. If there is a top, there's never the matching bottom.

OP posts:
Changing70 · 11/08/2018 22:45

I find it the other way round! I can find a top that I like, but a matching or complimentary chance!

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