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Possibly shingles??

5 replies

havingamadmoment · 11/08/2018 12:51

My 8 year old has a sore patch on her side which appeared 2 days ago . I took her to the pharmacy to get cream or something but they suggested it might be shingles and to take her to the walk in.

Tbh though the pharmacist barely looked just a quick glance and didn’t seem very sure . My daughter is totally well so um just not sure if he walk in is a total over reaction and to wait until Monday for the gp!

It’s. It easy for me to get to the nearest out of Hours so I don’t want to waste our time OR Their time!

I can’t go for an hour or two even if I go so in the meantime what do you think?

Pic included

Possibly shingles??
OP posts:
DisplayPurposesOnly · 11/08/2018 13:49

I had shingles in my 20s and felt absolutely fine. The only symptom was that my skin felt very sore (like sunburn). No rash, no nothing.

Jowak1 · 11/08/2018 13:08

My daughter who is 7 had Shingles a few weeks ago she had about 10 blisters under her right arm. It was the pharmacist who suggested hers may be Shingles so I took her to the GP who said yes it looked like them. She was totally well in herself. It can start with a red rash like in your photo. Hope they are not itchy or sore.

emummy · 11/08/2018 13:01

Hard to see in the photo - does it have little blisters on it? And has she had chickenpox?

spiderlight · 11/08/2018 13:01

That does look quite similar to the shingles my DS had a couple of years ago. We took him to the GP who said no treatment was needed, as he was well in himself and the rash was only mildly tingly, and just to keep it covered up. I'd pop her to the walk-in to be sure though.

havingamadmoment · 11/08/2018 12:52

That should read it is NOT easy for me to get to the out of Hours

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