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childrens educational games online

3 replies

andrewoscar · 22/06/2013 14:37


Who can help me find some childrens educational games online ? I don't want to make it a habit on using the computer but I do want him to learn. He is very curious and he's always asking me stuff and I'm very happy.

So if you can give some sites where I can find educational games that will be great.

OP posts:
zanuda · 29/06/2013 15:06

Knowing the age would be helpful...
My son used at school (they had subscription) "educational city" website. He really liked it. They gave you 1 month free to try. We didn't sign only because he doesn't have much time for computer. For the month we had he played only 3 or 4 times...

andrewoscar · 25/06/2013 01:00

Thank you

OP posts:
xmarksaspot · 23/06/2013 12:31

Google cool maths games some good puzzle type games

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