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Contribute to a preteen online magazine for girls - fluff-free and Bieberless

10 replies

MmeLindor · 04/02/2013 17:07

Jump! Mag is a preteen online magazine for girls.

We have been up and running for almost a year now, and have had some great contributions. Jump! Mag is totally non-profit, and is being run by myself in my free time mainly in PJs with the fantastic contributions of a range of great writers.

We love to receive articles from preteens or teens in our #writtenbyyou section. You don't have to be a writer, or a blogger to contribute. If you have a fun or interesting hobby or career - we would love to feature you.

Our idea is to give girls an alternative to the typical girls magazines and comics and was born on Mumsnet, with the support and help of many many MNetters.

PM me or contact me via Jump! Mag to contribute. Thanks.

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MmeLindor · 21/02/2013 11:28

Thanks, Borninastorm

Had a lot of interest in the past few days, just working my way through them all and scheduling articles.

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borninastorm · 20/02/2013 22:56

Glad you thought it was a good idea.

And v v pleased you like what I wrote bout DDs first gig.

Good luck with the mag.

MmeLindor · 18/02/2013 21:17

Well, obviously Tee :)

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Tee2072 · 18/02/2013 14:55

And you can be as cool as me... Grin

MmeLindor · 18/02/2013 13:40

Thanks, Borninastorm. That is a great idea. Will do that now.

I read your post about your DD's first concert - it was lovely.

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borninastorm · 18/02/2013 13:29

I've sent a link to the mag to my DD who's 14 and has lots to say on lots of things. And I've asked her to send the link to a friend of hers who is a talented writer who also has a lot to say for herself.

borninastorm · 18/02/2013 13:24

Have you considered asking student journalists still at uni to contribute?

As a student journalist they're looking for the experience of writing and getting a byline rather than being paid.

It might be worth sending an email to the journalism departments at some universities.

My DS goes to Southampton Solent and there's a really good journalism department there.

Hope that helps.

MmeLindor · 18/02/2013 10:27

Just a wee bump cause I am getting low on contributions here is the info again

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MmeLindor · 08/02/2013 13:14

Yes, definitely. We have done a few articles about kids with SN, and about adults who have overcome their SN to go to college such as Lauren who is studying to be a vet.

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peekyboo · 06/02/2013 13:07

Would you be interested in any aspie related things for this? I'm not sure of the viewpoint you'd be looking for, but was thinking some of my school experiences might be useful to readers.

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