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Anyone else having trouble commenting on blogger with Wordpress ID?

3 replies

DillyTante · 20/01/2012 09:19

Can't log in to any blogspot blogs to comment using my Wordpress ID. Anyone know why?

OP posts:
Violet5 · 20/01/2012 11:25

MmG, i have a degree in patience since having 6 children, oh and a diploma in complete insanity Grin

MmeGuillotine · 20/01/2012 10:57

It's been a bit ropey for a very long time now - I gave up commenting on Blogger blogs sometime last year as a result. I don't have violet5's patience! ;)

Violet5 · 20/01/2012 10:26

I have no idea why but it ALWAYS happens to me. i have a wordpress blog but i read lots of blogspot blogs. Everytime i try to comment on one it tells me my wordpress ID is invalid or just doesn't send the comment.
My solution is very technical haha, i keep resending the comment and usually on about the 7th attempt i get lucky and it sends ! I have no idea why and it's not the ideal solution, it's why i often comment less on blogspot posts tho unfortunately as takes a lot of faffing.
Hopefully someone will come on and explain why and how to solve this issue for us Smile

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