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50 Book Challenge 2022 Part One

1000 replies

southeastdweller · 01/01/2022 09:28

Welcome to the first thread of the 50 Book Challenge for this year.

The challenge is to read fifty books (or more!) in 2022, though reading fifty isn't mandatory. Any type of book can count, and please try to let us all know your thoughts on what you've read.

If possible, please can you embolden your titles and maybe authors as well of books you've read or going to read? It makes it much easier to keep track, especially when the threads move quickly at this time of the year.

Who's in for this year?

OP posts:
Waawo · 01/01/2022 09:34

Definitely! Have been absent from these threads the last two years, having completely lost my reading mojo. I’m not setting any targets this year except “getting back into the habit of having a book in my hand” Smile

Thanks as always for the shiny new year thread Smile

MaudOfTheMarches · 01/01/2022 09:35

I'm in! Thank you southeast for starting the new thread, and Happy New Year to you all! Smile

Fayrazzled · 01/01/2022 09:35

I’m in! Managed 39 last year. Need to get off social media and read more.

Barbarantia · 01/01/2022 09:37

I might read if I find some inspiration so I'll just hang around and see what happens.

SOLINVICTUS · 01/01/2022 09:38

Good morning and Happy New Year!
I'm in. Brew

SOLINVICTUS · 01/01/2022 09:38

Thank you @southeastdweller as ever for being our generous host!

AliasGrape · 01/01/2022 09:40

Happy new year all! Thank you southeast for starting the thread - I was thinking about it last night actually and looking forward to joining in this year.

I managed 50 quite easily for a few years on the trot and then have had 2 years on the run where I’m not sure I read even 5 a year. I’m blaming pregnancy and then my now toddler DD, but I think there’s been an awful lot of phone scrolling which I need to cut down on too.

I’m not sure I’ll manage 50 but hopefully I’ll get back into the habit of having a book on the go as Waawo put it well.

Sadik · 01/01/2022 09:40

Happy New Year all, and thank you as ever southeast

ChessieFL · 01/01/2022 09:43

Thanks southeast and Happy New Year all! Happy reading!

YnysMonCrone · 01/01/2022 09:44

Hi everyone. I've been on these great threads before, but fell off early in 2021 and have had a horrendous second part of 2021, and barely read a thing.
But onwards and upwards, and starting with great intentions this year.
I started The Rose Code on Kindle this morning, and currently trying to decide which of my Christmas presents will be my "downstairs real" book.
January is very busy, so I might be off to a slow start, but looking forward to lots of book chat.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 01/01/2022 09:46

Thanks @southeastdweller
I'm plodding on with my non-fiction pile, but really hope to find some good novels this year.

Happy New Year, you lovely bookers.

SapatSea · 01/01/2022 09:46

Thanks southeast

virginqueen · 01/01/2022 09:49

Hi readers
I want to join and actually read decent books, not trash. I've started Wheel Of Time, having watched it, but I don't want to spend all year in thrall to it. I got 3 books for Christmas, so I'll start with those.

LadybirdDaphne · 01/01/2022 09:51

Yes I’m in! Thanks for setting us up for the new year southeast!

I’ve finished my first book of the year (to be fair, I’m 13 hours ahead of the UK so had a head start on most of you, and only had a little bit of the book left to listen to):

1. Writing the Bible: Origins of the Old Testament - Martien Halvorson-Taylor
Exploration of the historical context in which the Old Testament books were written, tracking the development of the stories from oral tradition to something like the corpus of texts we have today (not fixed until the early centuries of the first millennium AD). Fascinating if you’re interested in ancient history, and plenty of material to save up for an argument with my biblical literalist DF. The last bit is possibly not a benefit available to most readers.

Picked up Luster and Contented Dementia (Oliver James) in the January monthly deals, and may go back in for a few more - some good stuff in there this time.

PedrosPony · 01/01/2022 09:51

I'd love to join this! I'm half way through two books already (one physical one kindle) so hopefully they will count!
*Remains of the day
Bel canto *
Will report back once I've finished. Looking forward to some great recommendations

Palegreenstars · 01/01/2022 09:51

Thanks @southeastdweller I love this space you’ve created so much. Hello to 50 bookers old and new.

I’m in a cottage in the country for a few nights which has some dreamy reading nooks so hoping to finish the mammoth troubled blood as book 1.

agnesmartin · 01/01/2022 09:52

Hello! I found the 2021 thread a few weeks ago and loved reading your reviews. Looking forward to joining in this year and keeping track of the books I have read and listened to. No idea how many that is likely to be but looking forward to seeing. I used to read loads, but not so much now.

Tarahumara · 01/01/2022 09:52

Thanks southeast and happy new year everyone!

IToldYouIWasFreaky · 01/01/2022 09:53

Can I join please? I also need to get back in the habit of picking up a book rather than my phone when I get a spare minute. I got a new Kindle for Christmas which should help!
I currently have two books on the go
The Storyteller by Dave Grohl. I'm a huge fan of his music, and him in general and I'm really enjoying the book. It's an autobiography really, told in stories from his life.

The Red Sister by Mark Lawrence. This is the first book of a trilogy, chosen as I like the author and wanted something to get stuck into. It's a fantasy, which is a genre I used to really enjoy and then fell out of love with. I'm only about 5% into the book but so far so good!
I've read a previous trilogy of his, the Impossible Times trilogy which is set in real world but is about time travel and absolutely loved it. Would highly recommend.

StruggleStreet · 01/01/2022 10:00

Thanks for setting up the thread @southeastdweller

I managed 30 books in 2021 so if I can do similar this year I’ll be really happy with that. I’ve found it harder to find time to read since having children so my ‘reading’ is about 50% audiobooks and 50% kindle books (usually during night feeds).

I like a blend of fiction and non-fiction and have been reading lots of autobiographies lately. Really looking forward to seeing everyone’s progress and recommendations!

FortunaMajor · 01/01/2022 10:04

Morning All. Count me in again.

I've kicked off the year with The Brothers Karamazov to hopefully start as I mean to go on and get some more classics in. So far so good, I found Crime and Punishment a bit dark and dismal, but this feels much lighter.

FiloPasty · 01/01/2022 10:08

I’m in, new to this thread.
I used to be an avid reader but lately it’s been too much wine and phone scrolling which I really want to change. I’m another one who loved The Wheel of Time series so am starting with that although it’s pretty hefty read so might take a while.


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MegBusset · 01/01/2022 10:11

Happy New Year everyone and thank you @southeastdweller for the thread 😊

Looking forward to this year's challenge.

I've currently got four books on the go, in four different formats - Perfect Tense by Michael Bracewell (paperback), Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall (Kindle),
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families by Philip Gourevitch (Overdrive) and A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson (Audible).

Once that lot's out of the way I might tackle The Bone Clocks as my first big read of the year.

SuperLoudPoppingAction · 01/01/2022 10:12

I would be up for this.
I just scraped 60 books last year but had to push myself.
I'm not sure how to bold - is it this ?

Covetthee · 01/01/2022 10:13

I’d like to join. I love reading but I am also another phone scroller. Need to detox a bit from my phone and i know once I get back into reading i love it and hardly touch my phone. I set myself a goal of 50 last year and did great first half and read about 30 books then i had a baby and lost the mojo

i’m starting one today and hopefully i can hit my 50 this year.

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