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General health

Can I take dispersible aspirin without dissolving in water?

5 replies

LiegeAndLief · 02/04/2009 13:53

I'm taking daily 75mg aspirin and have just accidently bought 100 dispersible tablets instead of the ones I normally have which you just swallow. I hate drinking stuff with dispersible tablets in. The pills themselves are tiny. Am I OK to just swallow them as normal or would they not work properly?

OP posts:
SadMarg · 02/04/2009 14:14

I would have thought that you'd end up with a horrible trail of aspirin in your gullet as you swallowed it - which would taste a whole lot worse than the dissolved aspirin. It would probably suck up the moisture as it went down. Why not just pop it in some water with squash or juice added to it? Doesn't have to be a LOT of water!

LiegeAndLief · 02/04/2009 15:46

Ah good point I hadn't thought of that! I guess I will just have to use a little bit of liquid and gulp it down...

Don't know why I have this irrational hatred of dispersible tablets, I feel the same about fizzy water!

OP posts:
TrillianEAstraEgg · 02/04/2009 15:56

They would work, probably, but it would be extremely yuck.

If you do swallow them make sure you drink some water afterwards so it washes everything down properly.

madamy · 02/04/2009 19:05

It's fine to take as a normal tablet. I'm a nurse and lots of my patients take aspirin - the hospital dispense dispersible but hardly anyone dissloves them. I've yet to have a patient complain of a yucky taste etc.

Helsvamp · 27/01/2019 09:54

I have always swallowed them ops . Will my baby okay

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