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Left hander holding knife and fork in the "wrong" hands

25 replies

EndoplasmicReticulum · 16/07/2012 22:49

Is this important? He's seven. I am getting fed up of asking him to swap them round and am tempted just to let him get on with eating with them in the "wrong" hands. It's taken long enough to persuade him not to just use his fingers.....

OP posts:
SurprisinglyCurvaceousPirate · 16/07/2012 22:52

Do you mean he's got his knife in his left hand and fork in the right?

Cutlery is a difficult one, I hold mine in the 'right' hands but then when I have a dish that requires a fork and a spoon I'm buggered Grin!

I really wouldn't worry - being a left hander in a right handed world can be tough so I think if he's using cutlery and he's found a way that's comfortable then let him be Smile.

Mummynumber2 · 16/07/2012 22:55

Do you mean the wrong way because he's left handed or usi g them as a right handed person would? I really wouldn't worry either way. Dss is left handed and eats perfectly well right handed. I think, as far as I've worked out, that's quite common.

EndoplasmicReticulum · 16/07/2012 22:57

Yes, I mean he has the knife in the left and the fork in the right.

Husband is left handed but he has cutlery in "normal" hands, as do most other lefties that I've seen.

OP posts:
DidntChaKnow · 16/07/2012 22:58

I let my left handed son hold his knife and fork in the 'wrong' hands (pisses off his right handed brother who prefers holding cutlery that way!)

I think if he's found a way that he's comfortable with then leave him to it :)

WheresVinick · 16/07/2012 22:59

My right handed DH eats with his knife and fork in the 'wrong' hands. No-one ever notices (and he eats perfectly neatly). I wouldn't worry about it.

ceeveebee · 16/07/2012 23:00

I am left handed and hold my knife in my left hand, I thought all lefties did?
Why does it matter btw?

out2lunch · 16/07/2012 23:02


it is not important Smile

EndoplasmicReticulum · 16/07/2012 23:02

I'm tempted just to let him get on with it. Just thinking about "table manners" and all that nonsense, certainly his Granny won't like it!

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GsyPotatoPieEyed · 16/07/2012 23:03

Totally agree with SCP.

Fwiw I'm right handed but prefer using my cutlery the 'wrong' way round. 4yo DS is left handed and does it the traditional way round.

SurprisinglyCurvaceousPirate · 16/07/2012 23:03

Ceevee, nope, lots of lefties use them in the 'right' hands because that is the way their parents probably laid their cutlery when they were small. My boys both use their cutlery in the 'right' hands already even though they are two young for us to know which hands they will write with.

Pascha · 16/07/2012 23:05

DH does this and nobody has ever noticed. My sister also does and I never noticed til DH pointed it out when he sat next to her at Christmas lunch a couple of years ago. I went 32 years without ever spotting it.

EndoplasmicReticulum · 16/07/2012 23:05

I find it interesting how people use different hands for different things - husband is a lefty too, but does some things right handed like playing the guitar, he said he couldn't be bothered to swap the strings over.

Also found out the other day that my dad (right hander) plays left-handed golf. Why?

OP posts:
BlingBubbles · 16/07/2012 23:06

I am right handed but hold my knife in my left hand and fork in the right, in fact my whole family does including some of my cousins. My dad always says we eat the "right" way as we put our food in our mouth with our right hand. Grin honestly I don't think it makes a bit of difference, whatever is the easiest I guess.

SkinnyVanillaLatte · 16/07/2012 23:07

Isn't it just a hang over from the days where people tried to teach left handed people not to be left handed?
If it's more natural to use cutlery one way than the other then the natural way is the right way imo.

MyDogShitsMoney · 16/07/2012 23:07

Let him do it whichever way feels most comfortable for him.

The idea that it's the wrong way harks back to the days where being left handed was wrong and children had their hand tied behind their backs.

It's far more important that he is learning to use cutlery properly and learning good table manners.

EndoplasmicReticulum · 16/07/2012 23:08

Thanks - I'll stop reminding him to swap them over and let him get on with it.

OP posts:
EndoplasmicReticulum · 16/07/2012 23:08

MyDog we're working on the table manners. Yoghurt is not normally a finger food, is it?

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SurprisinglyCurvaceousPirate · 16/07/2012 23:09

The only time he could get confused is when he has dinner at a posh restaurant where they lay out all the cutlery right handed, but then I always have to move my spoons to my left hand so it's no big deal Grin!

MyDogShitsMoney · 16/07/2012 23:10

X-post Skinny Grin

NicholasTeakozy · 16/07/2012 23:10

Whenever this topic comes up I'm reminded of a Ted Chippington joke: ' I was washing up the other day and the wife said "those gloves are on the wrong hands". I said "yes, they should be on yours"'

Sorry for the sexist joke, I'm not proud of myself. Blush

MyDogShitsMoney · 16/07/2012 23:12

Absolutely Endo, as is pasta in tomato sauce! Grin

FredFredGeorge · 17/07/2012 07:26

Of course you should let him get on with it! DP is left handed but uses the cutlery the "right way" as you would have it, but only because she's moved to a country where we do it that way, she does things backwards in her own country.

Not teaching him to use cutlery is a pretty bad idea as it's considered pretty rude to use your hands for lots of meals in our culture, but which hand makes no difference, just a convention.


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GrimmaTheNome · 17/07/2012 07:35

Its not as though the cutlery itself is 'handed', like scissors.

Do teach him to lay a table the conventional way round - my leftie DH can't be relied on to do this. He eats the normal way round but seems to get confused if he has to think about it.

QuietNinjaObsessing · 17/07/2012 07:38

I'm right handed and hold my knife and fork the 'wrong way' round. The only issue I've ever had is when I lay the table and it normall takes me a while to get it right. Though this may be more of my own stupidity than any knife and fork related issues. Grin

AmberLeaf · 17/07/2012 07:55

Lots of lefthanded people use their fork in their right hand. Its because its easier and more comfortable for them.

Don't know why anyone would try to change that tbh!

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