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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Why don't Stonewall do proper meaningful research?

36 replies

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 19/01/2018 09:53

Latest Stonewall Trans report is now available.

Lots of sensational statistics.

But, their methodology seems to me to be a bit dodgy...

^Participants were recruited through the YouGov panel, as well as an open recruitment that circulated through a wide range of
organisations, community groups and individuals.^

How exactly did this open recruitment occur? Were YouGov involved in this stage of the process? How did they ensure results weren't skewed by folk self-declaration to do the survey.

^The overall sample size of participants who are trans and/or non-binary is 871. Unless stated otherwise, findings reported for
'trans people' refer to respondents who identified themselves as trans (total sample 733 respondents), which includes trans people
who identified themselves also as non-binary; findings reported for 'non-binary people' refer to all those who identified themselves
as non-binary (total sample 414 respondents), of whom two thirds identify also as trans^

This is a very small sample. AFAIK polling companies aim for a minimum of 1000 to get meaningful results. What definitions of "trans " and "non-binary" did they use to promote those polled. In fact, why not publish the actual question/s used?

^65 per cent of trans and non-binary respondents are from England, 18 per cent are from Wales and 17 per cent are
from Scotland^

This seems a little odd - why does Scotland have 17% of trans people in the UK with 10%% of the population? No explanation or theory given for this.

34 per cent are male, 17 per cent are female and 48 per cent describe their gender in a different way.

Surely, surely sex is actually a fairly important question to ask so the researchers are aware of a) confounding factors and b) the different experiences of TIMs and TIFs.

^Different terms that
respondents used to describe their gender identity include ‘non-binary’, ‘genderfluid’ and ‘genderqueer’. People who used a
different term to describe their gender identity are referred to as ‘non-binary’ throughout the report^

Are they assuming gender Shock How can they legitimately call agender, for example, non-binary? Again what was the actual question, and what answers were given. Publish the raw data!

^ 20 per cent of trans and non-binary respondents are gay or lesbian, 34 per cent are bi, 30 per cent use a different term to
describe their sexual orientation and 13 per cent are straight. Different terms that respondents used to describe their sexual
orientation include ‘pansexual’ and ‘queer’^

Does lesbian include TIMs? Again, why not publish the question and answers?

51 per cent of respondents are disabled.

Again, these numbers are very interesting, and ignored in the analysis. That is a lot of disabled people, a group that is also known to face a lot of discrimination. How exactly has stonewall ascertained that the oppression faced by those polled is because they are disabled rather than trans? Again, publishing ofmraw data required.

Nine per cent of respondents are black, Asian or minority ethnic

This seems high too -'how is Stonewall neutralising the fact that all of these protected groups face their own issues, without being trans?

^The figures have been weighted by region and age. All differences reported in the survey are statistically significant. All names
in quotes have been changed for anonymity and ages have been assigned from within age bands.^

Again, I would like to see the raw data on this - and why on earth series they collecting names in the first place?

OP posts:
IndominusRex · 19/01/2018 17:08

Are there other exemptions with the Irish model? Hospitals, AWS, sport etc?

EamonnWright · 19/01/2018 17:21

Are there other exemptions with the Irish model? Hospitals, AWS, sport etc

Not that I'm aware of but the likes of that poor woman placed in a psychiatric ward with a burly man last week wouldn't happen in Ireland I believe. People are more blunt in nature and facts are facts and feelings are feelings. Probably why the prison clause was put in with zero mention.

The country would be up in uproar if a wee Irish granny went through what that poor woman went through. I'd imagine a ministers job would be in danger if it happened but in Britain everyone seems to just plough on with transwomen are women so as not to offend. Its Bizarre.

I think just getting something like no mixed sex prisons on the Act would at least draw the line.

OlennasWimple · 20/01/2018 00:24

Like "GRCs have no impact on hereditary peerages" Eamonn?

It might well be a good approach to lobbying

OlennasWimple · 20/01/2018 00:26

I've had a look at the key findings of the report:

  • Two in five trans people (42 per cent) who would like to undergo medical intervention as part of their transition, haven’t done so yet, because they fear the consequences it might have on their family life.
  • Almost half (48 per cent) of trans people don’t feel comfortable using public toilets through fear of discrimination or harassment.
  • A third of trans people (34 per cent) have been discriminated against because of their gender identity when visiting a café, restaurant, bar or nightclub in the last year.
  • More than a quarter (28 per cent) of trans people in a relationship in the last year have faced domestic abuse from a partner.
  • More than two in five trans people (44 per cent) avoid certain streets because they don’t feel safe there as an LGBT person.
  • One in four (25 per cent) were discriminated against when looking for a house or flat to rent or buy in the last year. One in five non-binary people (20 per cent) have experienced discrimination while looking for a new home.
  • When accessing general healthcare services in the last year, two in five trans people (41 per cent) said healthcare staff lacked understanding of trans health needs.
  • More than a third of trans students (36 per cent) in higher education have experienced negative comments or behaviour from staff in the last year.

I'm absolutely not saying that there should be some kind of harassment race to the bottom, but if you read these thinking about what women report on their daily lives (especially feeling safe), well, it's not really comparable is it?
EamonnWright · 20/01/2018 00:40

Like "GRCs have no impact on hereditary peerages" Eamonn

I think I read that the peerage thing is only for boys alive now as they are expecting to inherit? I think I seen that somewhere.

Someone in authority needs to take a firm hand and say prisons - out. Hospital wards - out. If girls in school are uncomfortable changing with a boy who us trans then it doesn't happen. Even if only one girl objects. You can't give away all these protections to feed someone's delusion.

Everyone in power seem to be cowards and they have let this fester. Corbyn tweeted that Stonewall survey this morning Envy

EamonnWright · 20/01/2018 00:43

I'm absolutely not saying that there should be some kind of harassment race to the bottom, but if you read these thinking about what women report on their daily lives (especially feeling safe), well, it's not really comparable is it

I don't believe their stats. They are, by nature, fantasy merchants.

Gacapa · 20/01/2018 00:44

It's interesting that I can't make head nor tale of those findings because they don't tell us much if we don't know the sex of the respondents. I honestly can't fathom a meaning from them. Like who abused them? Why weren't they served a coffee? Who wasn't served meals?

I've got no idea. None.

OlennasWimple · 20/01/2018 00:47

Unless there is a change to the current legislation, the restriction on TIF with GRC being able to inherit a title will remain - the law doesn't put a time limit on it, to only restrict it to boys who are currently alive

One of the reasons given during the debate in the Lords when the bill was going through was that it was "unfair" for boys who would expect to inherit their fathers' title to see it go to their elder sister instead. But frankly that's just nonsense and a vaguely defendable way of saying "we don't mind what people get up to as long as it doesn't affect the really important stuff like peerages"

And of course completely overlooks the unfairness of the professional athlete who might have legitimately expected to be an Olympic contender but finds herself pushed down the rankings as TIM take the top spots, or the unfairness of an elderly woman who was promised that she would only have female carers and finds Tiffannee the 6'4" nurse with suspiciously large hands and an Adam's apple preparing to give her a bed bath

Gingernaut · 20/01/2018 00:58

This talk of 34% this and 75% that sounds dramatic, but doesn't specify how many people they actually interviewed and what proportion of the population are trans.

We could be dealing with fewer than 1000 people in the entire United Kingdom.....Confused

EamonnWright · 20/01/2018 01:02

The sport issue might actually peak the country imo. England is pretty much fair play when it comes to sports and there's nothing more unfair than a man competing against women in a physical sport.

OlennasWimple · 20/01/2018 01:08

The thought crossed my mind that if "only" 2/5 reported problems getting health care that understood their needs and "only" 44% avoided certain streets because they felt unsafe, then they were doing better than women - as a class - do

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