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To wake DH up to come to bed.

169 replies

MummyBearToTeddy · 15/04/2017 23:47

DH is asleep watching TV because he was at the pub all day to avoid a children's party. The thing is we are ttc and I sort of need him to come to bed. Am I being mean? Need to DTD before DC1 wakes up again!

OP posts:
Kalizahara · 18/04/2017 13:39

Op of course your mil is going to side with her son.

I'm worried that you've set the bar way too low. You talk a lot about things being better than you had growing up, how at least he doesn't do this, at least he doesn't do that.

It isn't about any parent skiving off once in a while because they don't really enjoy kids parties. Or someone having a lie in. This is about your husband, who choices to spend every weekend in the pub rather then doing anything as a family, who choices to let YOU get up rather then he, who choices not to have sex with you and who choices not to bond with his child.

We ALL as parents need and deserve some time off to relax as we wish, but not consistently at the other parents expense.

You say you're happy, ask yourself how much happier you'd be if your husband chose to spend weekends with his wife and son, at the park, shopping, on a day out, doing house stuff, whatever families do together. What if your husband chose to alternate getting up early, made you a cup of tea, for his son breakfast, what if he chose to spend the evening with you instead of shouting at you to get out of his face?

Do you believe you could be any happier? Why don't you think you deserve those things? Are you afraid he will leave you if you ask him to?

OverthinkingSpartacus · 18/04/2017 13:15

Last post should have said, I got the choice to lie in every other weekend cos dh didn't dump his share of parenting onto me.

Also a pp said

This thread helpfully reinforces my view that a catholic education is not what I want for my children if this is what they'd be taught a good relationship is

Just wanted to say they don't teach this. Dd goes to catholic secondary school, (because it's closest) and during pastoral time they've been told loads of things, including, women can love and have sex with women, men can love and have sex with men, that love and sex isn't just for between a man and a woman. That sex doesn't have to be between two people who love each other, that families have two dads, two Mams, or just one parent. That everyone is equal and no choice is better than the other,

That women are equal, that they should have the same freedoms and that that should not ever change just because they are in relationship with a man or a woman, and that it's totally ok to end relationships and marriages where one party thinks you should do a b or c because your the woman, that someone who loves you won't want you to change and limit you.

I dont know if that typical of Catholic education, I'm not religious at all but honestly her secondary school hasn't shown the sexist stereotypes her previous non religious one did. We chose the school because it's the closest and easiest for dd to get to alone, if they were peddling bullshit that women should serve her husband etc, I'd remove her tbh.

OverthinkingSpartacus · 18/04/2017 12:56

So what you're all saying is that given the choice of going out with adults OR sitting bored surrounded by 25 over sugared children you'd all take the children? Having a sleep in past 5am or getting up you'd all pick getting up? I think if I had the choice I'd stay in bed but that's not lazy.

I think the issue is that your husband is the only one in your marriage who is getting the choice. He is the only one choosing to opt out, he's the one choosing to spend all his free time with his friends instead of his son.

6am is too early for me, but when you're a parent you don't get that choice, you get up. Of course if I had a choice I'd stay in bed, and when dd was little, I did have that choice, because my husband knew he was as much a parent as I was and in having children, he no longer gets to put himself and his wants first just because he's male.

Priorities should change when you have children. I don't like kids parties and would rather be at the pub, dh will sometimes take dd if I have something pre planned and vice versa, but no way would either of deliberately opt out and leave the other one to pick up all the slack.

You said there'd be chaos if the mums went out while the Dads supervised, I think that's such a shame because it implies he men in your circle don't know how to look after their own children. Genuine question, if you were to get ill or have an accident, wouldn't you want things to be as smooth for your DC as possible? If you feel there'd be chaos if he was left for an afternoon, are you not worried about the impact on your DC if your were immobilised for longer? You'd be outing your children in the situation you were in as a child, of having to manage their parent.

Re spending time with his child, it doesn't need to be something they both enjoy, it needs to be something your child enjoys and he sucks it up. Those parents you see looking for sticks, or painting, or sticking shit to paper don't do it because it's a common hobby, they do it because they want their children to be happy and bond with them. Common interests follow as they get older and they grow. Kids change what they like all the time, so even if ds gave football a go for eg, would dh stop spending time with him when ds decided he didn't like it?

The message that sends to your children is that Dad only wants to be with them if they do something Dad likes, then they are stuck with choosing they actually enjoy but knowing Dad won't show an interest, or doing something they don't actually like but Dad does so that Dad spends time with them.

It sounds like both your Dh and your parents were not great, but you want different for your children, whereas your dh seems to want the same as he had, he is repeating his own fathers behaviour so he wants his son to have same life he had or he'd be getting up at 6am with his son on the rare occasion he asks, he'd see his friends less (I think once a month, or every few months is regular enough) he'd see his own family with you and his children, he'd be insisting his dad spends time with you all, he'd be sucking up every boring activity because he wants his children to come first.

It sounds like he's one of those who wait til DC are late teens to "bond" doing the adult things Dad likes, pubs etc... If you had a daughter would he treat them equally do you think? Or would dd be expected to stay at home baking cakes with you while he takes ds out to footie?

Gallavich · 18/04/2017 12:48

Actually - even if I did have the choice to abdicate all boring parental tasks to someone else I wouldn't do it.
I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice if someone else took him to football once in a while or if I couldn't just spend a whole Saturday in the pub with my mates but I wouldn't do it all the time even if I could! I value my relationship with my child, I value the time we spend together and I know that to grow that relationship I have to invest time and energy and interest.
Your husband is a lazy fucking twat of a father. Nothing you say can change that fact.

DeleteOrDecay · 18/04/2017 12:35

So what you're all saying is that given the choice of going out with adults OR sitting bored surrounded by 25 over sugared children you'd all take the children? Having a sleep in past 5am or getting up you'd all pick getting up?

I'm sure most of us would, but the point is when you become a parent those choices are no longer choices, they are luxuries. When you bring a child into the world it's the responsibility of both parents to raise them. That includes doing all the not so fun stuff when we'd rather be doing something else. Your husband is taking the piss and you are enabling it. Like I said earlier it's the child who will suffer, knowing that his dad prefers be out all weekend rather than spend quality time with him must be an awful feeling.

ineedmoreLemonPledge · 18/04/2017 11:51

Stop the press! A MIL who thinks her son does it all right.

That never happens on MN does it? 😉😂😂😂

I agree with your last points though...

Why ARE you trying so hard to obtain validation from a bunch of strangers on the internet that your life is totally perfect?

Because it seems a lot of hard work on top of doing EVERYTHING in the house and ALL the childcare and a job. How do you find the time?

I guess it's during your downtime while the kids are asleep, your DH is drunk on the sofa, your friends are all away having fun with their partners and you are lying in bed awake and not having sex?

MummyBearToTeddy · 18/04/2017 08:25

So what you're all saying is that given the choice of going out with adults OR sitting bored surrounded by 25 over sugared children you'd all take the children? Having a sleep in past 5am or getting up you'd all pick getting up? I think if I had the choice I'd stay in bed but that's not lazy.

I've got a lovely MiL who is the first to put people right if they are doing something wrong and she doesn't think it's bad he goes out on a weekend with his dad. She said it's better than him being out every night in the week. As to doc not wanting to let him do things and always wanting me she said it's a phase and just appreciate the extra cuddles. He doesn't let anyone at all do anything for him right now.

I think everyone is different and if you don't understand something you can't just think they're wrong. I know my DH loves us both and loves having a family. Isn't that enough? Sure he doesn't like other people's children much but that's not unusual. Again my MGM didn't like any of her kids or grandkids. She cringes through her friends talking about their grandkids and showing pictures and asked specifically at the wedding that all kids be kept well away from her. Even my visits with DC are limited to an hour maximum but that's fine as if it's at her house it's not even 15mins because I don't like her smoking around us.

I allow my DH the freedom to do what he wants and he works hard for what he has. He's turned down jobs to be at home when he could earn a lot more money working away but instead he wants to see his son grow up.

So go ahead and continue to pull it all apart. Both my boys are happy and both know they are loved. I WAS upset by some of the posts but I've realised that if it works for us it's not worth getting upset. The only thing hard about being a parent is trying to do it through everyone else's eyes. Forget about other people and you just enjoy the experience.

OP posts:
worriedmumtoteen · 17/04/2017 23:02

Yea, he might work, op, but he is lazy and crap at parenting!

garmsfresh · 17/04/2017 22:58

Threads like this 😂🤔

Gallavich · 17/04/2017 22:38

He is lazy and crap at parenting.

MummyBearToTeddy · 17/04/2017 22:31

It was so nice to go away for the weekend and come home to this.

OP posts:
MummyBearToTeddy · 17/04/2017 22:30

He's not lazy. He works hard. I've never called him lazy or crap.

OP posts:
worriedmumtoteen · 17/04/2017 22:20

What a lazy crap husband you have!

I wouldn't want to have any child with him.

doge · 17/04/2017 22:18
MummyBearToTeddy · 17/04/2017 22:14

So you think I'm a narrcasist? Because I look after people and don't think I have a bad life I'm my mother? Well that's one of my greatest fears so I might agree in part but I've tried hard not to be like her.

As to previous posts... I love doing what I do now because I'm in a loving family and they appreciate my efforts. Growing up it was simply my job and yet I still got called every name in the world. My siblings wouldn't have had a school lunchbox made or their breakfast if I didn't do it because it was"her job" meaning me. The issues with my parents weren't them bring ill or anything like that it was just my role in the family.

Yes I earn money but I work one week per timetable as a job share with a friend. She takes care of my son when she is off and I do the same. My money goes towards paying medical bills and costs, paying off the car, phone bill and then split between the house deposit account and my sons university fund. Dh paid for things whilst I was on maternity leave and just keeps going as he earn four times as much as I do.

My OH is not being controlled by me. He's just not that interested in the physical side of a relationship. I've seen others on here who feel the same. My MGM turns off the TVs if someone even kisses on tv because it's unnecessary; her and my MGF didn't even share a room the entire time I knew them . We are ttc and that means we do sleep together. I just know if I didn't tell him it was time he wouldn't bother. Tbh if we weren't ttc it wouldn't really bother me either.

Our religion has nothing to do with this. I was asked if I go to church and I said yes. Hard as it may seem I'm actually just a social person and going to church is about seeing people and having a sense of belonging. I don't go out much and can't drink so it's nice. My RL friends are more interested in going out doing things like weekends away etc without children and I can't do that.

As to what would happen if I was ill... I've not been physically ill for years. I've been hurt four years ago and had a baby but that's it. So I don't think it's something I've ever considered.

You can all think what you like about us but I don't think going out with family on a weekend is a crime and missing a party isn't either.

OP posts:
DAMNgina · 17/04/2017 21:54

Sure OP, but no need to ask permission, you started the thread.

I did wonder what new user name you would come back with, so cheers for clearing that up.

But if you want to change topic, it would probably would have been better to start a new thread - it would have negated the need for me to report you for sock-puppetting.

AllTearsFlowFromLove · 17/04/2017 21:15

Sorry to jump on this and change the topic but can I ask a question please @DAMNgina?

knickerdrawerofdoom · 16/04/2017 19:26

OP you talk about your life now being a million times better than the life you had growing up.

Then you talk about how as a child you had to look after children, cook, clean - be a housewife etc (presumably issues with your parents?)

THEN you talk about how you love looking after people/ being a housewife/ the life you have now.

I'm confused.

Your childhood wasn't pleasant.
But as a child you were caring for people- being a "housewife"
Now your life is a million times better - because you're caring for your family and being a housewife.

Ie- your life is the same- but also a million times better.

I'm v confused.

gamerchick · 16/04/2017 19:00

In her case was about control, her control over her household and children and ensuring that they could not function without her

Who turn into the MIL from hell who's dil helps the son to cut off and run far far away?

DAMNgina · 16/04/2017 18:54

The more I think about it the more I think there is, at best, a lot of emotional manipulation and controlling behaviour in this relationship -but it's directed at and not from the OP's husband.

Very sad all round - Indeed.

BrutusMcDogface · 16/04/2017 18:51

"Helping you ttc " !!??

I know this has been mentioned before, but......just what the fuck.

Also, you maybe think you have a wonderful life because of your own rubbish upbringing but it's just not true. your son is growing up thinking mummy does everything and daddy just sits on the sofa or goes out drinking beer.


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ineedmoreLemonPledge · 16/04/2017 18:33

Reading the whole thread makes me feel very unsettled for some inexplicable reason. Confused

TestingTestingWonTooFree · 16/04/2017 17:47

No excuse for the bullshit then.

DaemonPantalaemon · 16/04/2017 17:41

DAMNgina very interesting. You may be on to something there. That line from the OP that he is there to "help me ttc" coupled with OP's Catholic faith and its frowning upon contraception could well mean that the husband could be trying to assert the only control he has in the relationship, control over his own body. Very sad all round.

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