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to not know if im oversensitive?

33 replies

sbear22 · 23/01/2015 10:59

I have always been told that I'm 'over sensitive'. If something has upset me, DM tends to laugh and say I need to toughen up and stop being so sensitive. I know I'm fairly emotional but don't know whether it's too much or I'm just normal.
For some background here, DM and DB made fun of me in a certain way for years and years (even when I moved out it didn't stop). Last year I realised how much the teasing upset me, and that it was not okay and I told them enough was enough. Of course I got laughed at and told to stop being over sensitive. In the heat of the moment I snapped back 'If you need to tell me I'm over sensitive, then you're being over offensive. Calling someone over sensitive is how bullies justify their behaviour to themselves.' This was met with silence and I just went home. Although I never got an apology this seemed to work and they haven't done it since.
Yesterday, DM made a comment about how much I was eating at my birthday meal. I am 22wks pregnant and I have always struggled with my weight, so having to gain weight is quite emotionally straining for me, although logically I know that I am supposed to gain weight with pregnancy. I just got up and went to the loo, and had myself a little cry. I did not tell her that she'd upset me, I knew it wasn't meant offensively, but I could not help but feel upset. I had no plans to tell her I was upset by the comment, I just needed to have my little cry and be done with it. She followed me to the loo, obviously having noticed that I was upset, and started shouting over the cubicle to stop being so ridiculous and over sensitive. I told her that shouting at me was not helping. She then kept saying to me all day 'are you in a mood with me' which was annoying. Now she's off with me and I think she's expecting me to apologise for getting upset.
I feel that if she'd followed me and just said 'Sorry spiderwoman I didn't mean to upset you' then it would have been ok, even if she'd not followed me and shouted at all this would have been fine. But she seems to think I'm in the wrong because I am too sensitive and get upset too easily.
AIBU to think I was not in the wrong? AIBU to think calling someone 'over sensitive' is justifying being 'over offensive'? Am I just over sensitive?

OP posts:
sbear22 · 23/01/2015 15:46

thanks all. I would say that invalidating the feelings of your child all the time in order to 'toughen them up' just doesn't work. If it's genuinely nothing to get upset over, you should maybe try and help them to realise for themselves that it wasn't anything to get upset over.

OP posts:
AmantesSuntAmentes · 23/01/2015 15:09

Wow! Where did I say I was harsh, thoughtless or mocking of my DD.

You didn't and neither did I Smile

WhatchaMaCalllit · 23/01/2015 13:39

It doesn't read to me as though you're being oversensitive about the comments that are being made to you about you OP.

She can't refuse to acknowledge your feelings and how her comments make you feel.

You could talk to her and say "I feel sad/unhappy/depressed/angry/whatever when you comment on my XXX (whatever it is that she comments on)". Tell her that you feel her comments are hurtful and not helpful.

Don't elaborate. You're entitled to feel how you feel. Tell her that too "Mum, I'm entitled to feel how I do about what you say to me". Don't raise your voice to her and talk to her like she not your mother (de-personalising the conversation might help you not become emotional throughout the conversation).

Best of luck to you on whatever you decide to do next.

WorraLiberty · 23/01/2015 13:32

I agree JohnCusacksWife. There is sometimes a fine line between support and indulgence.

You do have to gently encourage them to be less sensitive sometimes, in order to prepare them for life. It would be irresponsible not to imo.

manchestermummy · 23/01/2015 13:04

I was teased, taunted and bullied at school. Mostly for being fat, but also for wearing the 'wrong' clothes, glasses, not sporty, you name it. Whenever I tried to tell the teachers, all I ever got was "You are too sensitive, toughen up" and noone helped me.

I am being subjected to some unpleasant behaviour in an area of my life now. I am not over sensitive at all and the problems lie not with me, but with someone else.


kaykayred · 23/01/2015 12:49


It's really a tough one.

I think a lot of the time, something that we wouldn't get upset about coming from one person, will be really upsetting coming from someone else.

I think a lot of this might have to do with the fact that your DM used to tease you a lot when you were younger. Teasing is okay, but when you are the butt of everyone else's jokes in the house it stops getting funny pretty quickly. Even if it stops, you're still "overly" sensitive to their comments because of the history behind it.

I had a similar issue in my family when I was younger, and to this day I get very, very pissed off if those family members take the piss out of me now, even on rare occasion. Because you've already put up with so much, why would you put up with anything else?

I think the best solution is to get angry, rather than getting upset (which is always easier said than done). Getting angry people see as at least you standing up for yourself, and challenging them, rather than hiding and crying, which is seen as pathetic and weak (not saying it's true, it's just generally how it's interpreted).

So if you were to say to your mother "Well, I'm meant to be gaining weight as I've got a baby inside of me. What's your excuse?" she is more likely to back down than follow you/get irritated with you.

But as I said, I know it's tough.

JohnCusacksWife · 23/01/2015 12:35

There are plenty of people throughout my dcs lives who might be thoughtless, harsh or critical. Why would I, their mother, choose to be that way towards them too?

Wow! Where did I say I was harsh, thoughtless or mocking of my DD. I said that she sometimes can't handle anything which she interprets as critical of her and can over react massively as a result. That is not a character trait that is going to do her any favours in later life.

As an example, the other day she was practising a poem for a Burns competition at school. She did very well and I told her so but added that she should slow down just a bit as she was rushing through it. She immediately latched on to that single piece of constructive criticism and flew off the handle, yelling about me thinking she was rubbish! That is not behaviour to be indulged, imo.

AmantesSuntAmentes · 23/01/2015 12:21

I believe the absolute opposite, JohnCusacksWife. There are plenty of people throughout my dcs lives who might be thoughtless, harsh or critical. Why would I, their mother, choose to be that way towards them too?

Because I'm supportive (indulging?) and take care not to dismiss or invalidate their feelings, they know they can be open and honest with me, without judgement. They know they can cry on my shoulder and i won't mock them or tell them to 'toughen up'. They have the confidence to take on the world as a consequence and aren't flustered by other peoples opinions Smile

I don't believe confidence can be forced, I believe it has to be nurtured.

QTPie · 23/01/2015 12:12

Ick, that is horrible, really horrible. Horrible anyway, but even worse when you are pregnant.

My parents used to tease me a lot when I was a child and a teen. They would tease and tease and tease until I got really angry and then I would get yelled at. It wasn't about anything particular, but they would often team up.

They even did it when I was an adult. I remember the Millenium New Year's Eve. My parents, some of their friends, my husband and I were staying at a lovely hotel. We were in the hotel bar, lots of people around, my parents were teasing me remorselessly, and I ended up yelling at them - in the room full of people. Very embarrassing, I should have just walked away.

My Dad is dead now (10 years) and my relationship is not great with my mum. I include her in lots of things, but we are not close. Too many years of alienation.

I have a friend who is a psychologist and teases her daughter a lot - she says it is to "toughen her up". I am surprised. I really think it can have a bad effect on some people. I don't tease my son. If he gets teased by others, I will teach him to brush it off. But I will not tease him: I think it is cruel and unrespectful. :(

JohnCusacksWife · 23/01/2015 12:08

One of my DDs is what I would call over sensitive. She gets very upset and defensive about anything she interprets as being the least bit critical of her. Personally, I think it's my role NOT to indulge this behaviour and try to teach her to toughen up a bit and not be so ready to take offense where non is intended. It'll be a hard old life for her if she doesn't.

BauerTime · 23/01/2015 12:06

The constant teasing is not on unless you are comfortable with that sort of 'banter' and give as good as you get. That is how it works in my family but some people often can't quite believe the things we say to each other.

However, the comment about eating is difficult to judge. If someone said to me when pregnant something about packing it away, eating for two etc I'd have agreed and not read anything more into it. BUT If they had said 'crikey you probably shouldn't eat that bun as your arse is getting massive' then I'd have clocked them one.

When I was pg my dad called me fatty once I had a bump. I'm definitely not fat and it never occurred to me that he was being mean, he was making a joke about my growing belly. But if I was upset he would have stopped and apologised if necessary.

I have a tendency to say things that, if I think about it afterwards, may have been taken in the wrong way but there is never any malice in them. Although if I knew someone was particularly sensitive I'd try to think before I spoke a bit more around them.

AmantesSuntAmentes · 23/01/2015 12:01

Of course you'd feel awful that she got upset and you'd apologise, but it wouldn't mean that you had behaved poorly or rudely if you pointed out that she had been a bit over sensitive.

To me, it would. I would consider that rude, poor behaviour, because it would be a surefire way to invalidate her feelings and cause further upset, by making her feel she was in the wrong for feeling as she feels (on top of already feeling hurt).

CrapBag · 23/01/2015 11:55

YANBU. I find when my family get together I am always the one who gets teased etc, especially by my dad and grandad then my nan will join in and say things she doesn't usually when we are on our own. DH seems to do it too. Basically they all have a personality transplant when in a family group and it fucks me off being the butt of their jokes. Some stirring/gentle teasing is normal but it often goes beyond that.

It was the same at school, kids knew they'd get a rise out of me so they would try and i would end up snapping. I am sensitive because I have low self esteem but I am NOT over sensitive, I can take a joke but it's when it carries on and on. People should never pick on you and I bet they wouldn't like it if it was done to them.

It's always the same type of people who claim others are oversensitive. Idiots who can dish it out but not take it.

neighbourhoodwitch · 23/01/2015 11:54

They sound rude and I don't think you are being oversensitive.

Having said that, you may, like me, be a 'Highly Sensitive Person.' In her book of the same title, Elaine Aron estimates that 10% of the population are highly sensitive.

Nothing to do with your post particularly, but you may want to look at her brilliant book anyway:


Simile · 23/01/2015 11:53

No it's a shit thing to say to someone. If someone tells you they are hurt by your comment, listen, apologise and explain that you didn't intentionally mean to hurt them. You don't dismiss their feelings by telling them they are 'over-sensitive'.

HolyTerror · 23/01/2015 11:53

Who decides what counts as 'over sensitive', though? There isn't some kind of objective scale. Any thread on here that begins 'AIBU to be offended/upset about...' gets a huge range of responses, from 'yabu, toughen up, dopey' to 'Christ, YANBU, that's outrageous.'

I think the OP, given that these aren't isolated instances, and the remarks are made by immediate family, has a perfect right to say 'We're not discussing my sensitivity any more. I am simply saying I will no longer tolerate your sniping about x.' If it continues, reduce contact, so your DM or whoever gets the hint that her behaviour has consequences.

WorraLiberty · 23/01/2015 11:49

Yes but what I'm saying is, what if it wasn't 'bound' to cause her upset?

What if it was just a normal remark that wouldn't upset anyone else, but she was just being over sensitive at the time?

Of course you'd feel awful that she got upset and you'd apologise, but it wouldn't mean that you had behaved poorly or rudely if you pointed out that she had been a bit over sensitive.

Simile · 23/01/2015 11:49

If a person was over-sensitive, and their mother makes a rude comment that made them upset, then surely the first thing a mother would do is apologise and that would be the end of it.

You took yourself away from the situation to deal with an upset that your mother created by being rude. Yet your mother then followed you, shouted more rude things at you, and is now annoyed at you for "being in a mood". She is invalidating your feelings. YANBU.

Also you were absolutely right to call them up on the teasing that has gone on for years. Good for you. It never ceases to amaze me that people who do the teasing think it's ok to make people feel like shit then invalidate their feelings by saying they are over-sensitive.

AmantesSuntAmentes · 23/01/2015 11:45

Calling someone else 'over sensitive' is just a means of justifying poor, rude behaviour, I agree.

But it isn't always, is it?

Unless you're saying that over sensitive people don't exist?

No. I'm saying that everyone has the right to their own, personal boundaries regarding what they find acceptable and what they find upsetting. If I say something to one of my DC, which is bound to cause her upset, then I have been rude and thoughtless. I take responsibility for causing unnecessary upset, I don't blame her for how she feels, when I've (if inadvertantly) caused her to feel that way, iyswim?

OliviaBenson · 23/01/2015 11:44

You aren't being over sensitive IMO. My mum and sister do the same to me- I've had years of it and only after lots of counselling have I realised its them and not me.

My mum also played favourites with my sister as a girl- of course that was all in my head and me being jealous. It is easier to blame me than acknowledge that their own behaviour is wrong. The only thing I can recommend is to distance yourself from them, they'll never change. Hmm

CleanLinesSharpEdges · 23/01/2015 11:44

If you find yourself being upset by a number of people on a variety of subjects then chances are that you are over sensitive.

This doesn't sound the case here though, you've been ground down by years of teasing by two family members. Add in some pregnancy hormones and there you go. Your mum was out of order.

sbear22 · 23/01/2015 11:36

I tried my level best to firmly tell her 'you can't say things like that to me'. she still thinks its my problem. this happened AFTER i'd explained how upset i'd been by comments made by people at work about weight gain (i did not tell my colleagues i was upset, i just moved on from it at the time). i explained to DM i was upset at these remarks although knew they weren't meant maliciously. and she still makes the same sort of remark.
i have no idea where to go from here. usually we're close and texting all the time but her texts were really blunt today and haven't spoken to her since. i have no idea whether to talk to her or not.
thanks for all your replies Flowers good to know its not just me.

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TheCowThatLaughs · 23/01/2015 11:35

You don't sound over sensitive, but maybe have been broken down by years of your family teasing you and being rude.
Also, even if someone is being over sensitive for some reason, it would be normal to be sorry that you'd upset them, not to follow them and start haranguing them. Your mum doesn't sound like she's very kind to you.

WorraLiberty · 23/01/2015 11:29

Calling someone else 'over sensitive' is just a means of justifying poor, rude behaviour, I agree.

But it isn't always, is it?

Unless you're saying that over sensitive people don't exist?

HolyTerror · 23/01/2015 11:28

There's no hard and fast rule as to when being upset by something is justified and when not, but nothing in your OP suggests you are a fragile flower wilting and weeping because someone looked at you the wrong way, just someone dealing with the bodily changes of pregnancy and not wild about pointed remarks about over-eating on an occasion you were supposed to be enjoying himself.

I would sidestep the issue of 'over-sensitivity' and firmly but calmly say 'I don't appreciate that kind of remark. Please don't make it again.'

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