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Who do you turn to for the best parenting advice and why? Share with us and Nurofen for Children - £300 voucher prize draw! NOW CLOSED

399 replies

ZaneMumsnet · 12/02/2016 14:38

These days, parenting tips are available from a wealth of sources and sometimes it can be tricky to know who to listen to. The team at Nurofen for Children would love to hear who you turn to for the best parenting advice and why you trust or listen to them most of all.

Here's what Nurofen for Children says,"Being a parent is a wonderful life changing experience, full of challenges and triumphs at every stage. We understand seeking advice from a variety of sources is an important part of feeling confident in the decisions you make for your children, so we’d love to hear who you turn to for advice (and the reasons you love the tips they give)".

So please share on this thread your best sources of advice: whether it's a trusted friend who has been there and done that, your own mum, your health visitor, a magazine or blog, the content pages or talk boards on MN Wink etc. They'd also like to know why you love that source of advice so much - perhaps you could share the best advice you've been given and why it worked for you.

Everyone who posts on this thread will be entered into a prize draw where one mumsnetter will win a £300 Love2Shop voucher!



Terms and conditions
-To enter the competition answer the question above
-To enter, you must be:
a) A UK resident; and b) 18 years old or over at the time of entry and c) a registered member of Mumsnet
-Competition closes at midnight on 26-2-2016
-Entries posted after the closing date will not be considered
-One winner will be chosen from all winning entries
-Mumsnet will choose the winner at random after the closing date
-Mumsnet will contact the winner privately to organise delivery of the prize
-The prize is £300 Love2Shop vouchers
-Full terms and conditions [[
v3.pdf here]]
Nurofen for Children 3 months to 9 years Orange / Strawberry. Nurofen for Children Orange / Strawberry 3 months to 12 years (weighing over 5kg). Contains Ibuprofen. For relief of fever. Always read the label.

Who do you turn to for the best parenting advice and why? Share with us and Nurofen for Children - £300 voucher prize draw! NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
ZaneMumsnet · 04/03/2016 13:28

Thank you all for your comments. The winner of the prize draw is KarenCBC :)

OP posts:
ahigney · 03/03/2016 12:33

Google it first,then a friend,who is a trained doctor,if in real doubt.

BeautyQueenFromMars · 03/03/2016 08:39

I usually speak to my mum and/or dad first. They've successfully raised several children, we've all turned out decent adults, so they've obviously been doing things right!
I'll also check Mumsnet or the NHS website, they're both very helpful too.

Bonnemaman69 · 02/03/2016 19:25

My mum, sisters, friends, Mumsnet and other websites for parents, other mums, mums forums and reviews, books, my GP, the Internet, the NHS website, I'm always reading and listening. Then I try to decide what's best for my children as I often find there isn't one rule for all, except when it comes to a high temperature - I always have a bottle of Nurofen in the pharmacy cabinet, just in case!

DingleberryFinn · 02/03/2016 18:48

Mumsnet, pretty much! As I know I'll get a range of views and can "calibrate" my own against them.

Lulabellx1 · 02/03/2016 16:20

My Mum, I know I can trust her and she has the same values as me.

I also use Mumsnet a lot and friends who have children of the same age, as we are usually going through the same troubles.

Ashhead24 · 29/02/2016 19:37

Initially google it, read everything relevant.
Then based on that NHS 111 or a doctor if necessary.

Coconutty · 28/02/2016 20:36

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Spencer1234 · 28/02/2016 08:00

My mum, we don't always agree but I like to get her opinion as she's had 7 children

nanoobaku · 26/02/2016 23:51

listen to your mum !! first hand knowledge is indispensable

tishist · 26/02/2016 23:17

My mum because I think I turned out ok!

VickyRsuperstar · 26/02/2016 22:37

I am lucky that my youngest sister is a nurse practitioner so if there is anything medical that I am not sure about then I can ask her for advice! My youngest sister also has 2 grown up children so she has been there, done that all before me and so that helps too.

eandoauntie · 26/02/2016 22:24

My Mum - I think I gave her every challenge imaginable and she did such a great job of bringing me up - A mum whilst bringing me up and now Im an adult she's my mum and my best friend

Minnie43 · 26/02/2016 22:01

I'm lucky to have a hubby that knows a bit about life/medical stuff, he's my rock and I'm grateful for his guidance. For everything else I turn to the font of knowledge that is the internet, checking out a variety of opinions before coming to a conclusion.
Of course, my favourite source of info comes from people just like me, the other users of Mumsnet, without whom I'd be very much the poorer. Thanks to everyone on here for your helpful words of wisdom.

annarack99 · 26/02/2016 21:16

My mum and my NCT friends - they give me both traditional and modern takes on issues.

jt75 · 26/02/2016 21:02

My mum. She is sensible and experienced.

ButtonMoonLoon · 26/02/2016 19:02

My friends and my daughters health visitor, and most importantly (in my opinion) my own instincts! :)

jacqroberts68 · 26/02/2016 19:00

Always my Mum and best friend

Sallyflups1 · 26/02/2016 16:45

My mum always gets the first be in trouble if I didn't lol!

MillyVanilli222 · 26/02/2016 15:38

My own mum - she did an alright job raising me, I guess!

Callico · 26/02/2016 15:13

My mum. Always trust her advice and she's done great so far!

Unoriginaluk · 26/02/2016 13:47

I usually go to my husband for parenting advice. At most other things he's useless but he literally always knows what to do to help with we have a parenting dilemma!!


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MrsFizz · 26/02/2016 13:14

My mum was invaluable to me in my daughter's early years but as times have changed (in just 11 years) so much more information has become readily available at the touch of a button. Websites like mumsnet, nhs etc are full of such good and acurate information that they are now the first places that I turn to when I need some help or advice.

ClarenceTheLion · 26/02/2016 12:57

The Mumsnet forum. Unfortunately my own parents weren't positive parenting role models and neither were my inlaws. I wish Mumsnet had existed from when I was expecting my first baby, it's helped me untangle a lot of my issues from back then actually, and I always recommend the forum to expectant Mums.

cathyov · 26/02/2016 12:56

My sister as she has been fostering for over ten years and is such an expert!

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