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Mumsnet Family Friendly survey results

As part of our programme to help make Britain one of the best places in Europe to raise a family, we asked you: is Britain family friendly, and what more should we all be doing? Find out our survey results here.

By Mumsnet HQ | Last updated Apr 17, 2024

parents and baby

Spain, Italy and Greece rated more family-friendly than Britain as Mumsnetters put the UK on a par with France.

As part of our programme to help make Britain one of the best places in Europe to raise a family, we asked you: is Britain family-friendly, and what more should we all be doing?

Here's what you told us:

  • Spain, Italy and Greece are all more family-friendly than Britain; the UK's family-friendliness was rated on a par with France

  • 84% of Mumsnetters surveyed thought UK companies were poor when it came to being family-friendly employers

  • 60% thought UK companies were poor when it came to offering family-friendly products and services

And you told us about the lack of family-friendly practices in your workplaces:

  • 84% of Mumsnetters surveyed felt having children had made it harder to progress in their career

  • 76% felt less employable since having a child

  • 86% rated flexible working hours as a priority

1,002 Mumsnet members in the UK completed the online survey between 8-20 Feb'11