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After a c section

14 replies

Dancer20 · 02/01/2016 22:36

Name changed for this as I posted through my pregnancy.

I am 7 weeks post emergency cesarean section tomorrow. My section went well and my scar healed well. My only confusion is I only bled for a week after surgery it was 1 day heavy bleeding and then 6 days light pink discharge.

I am now wondering is it normal to only bleed for such a short time after birth ? And I also haven't had a period yet considering my bleeding stopped so quick. My partner and I have had a few slip ups with condoms and I'm now fearing that I could be pregnant again stupidly I am now worrying about my section scar and all the complications of my own stupidity. At 5 weeks post birth I had a clot pass but it was only 1 clot and a slight pink discharge but nothing significant. I haven't tested because I wouldn't know when the right time to test would be.

Am just wondering do u think my bleeding was normal and what happened at 5 weeks was normal or should I worry that something isn't right? Is it that easy to fall pregnant after birth ? I have my post birth check on Wednesday but I don't know what they are going to check as its with a nurse and not a doctor.
any advice would be great

FWIW I'm not asking if you think I'm pregnant I just need advice on the other questions

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RJnomore1 · 02/01/2016 22:39

Bleeding sounds normal to me. I had a vb then a emcs and the cs was much lighter bleeding. I don't know if there's truth in them cleaning your womb out as part of it.

Yes you can get pregnant very quickly. If you are exclusively bfibg it CAN delay ovulation but I did both times and had my period back at 6 weeks so my body didn't miss a stride really. We bought condoms in the way home from the hospital after my cs Blush

I don't know about timings but I'd test as it is possible.

Sallyhasleftthebuilding · 02/01/2016 22:40

I had light bleeding, they all out. Period was about 8 weeks after.
Nurse looks at wound. Gives you advice on contraception. Asks questions to see if PND.
Answers any questions.

CottonSock · 02/01/2016 22:45

Sounds normal to me, but i have to say I'm impressed you did the sex thing already Grin

I didn't get a period for months (was breastfeeding).

Pee on a stick.... Or take some wee to the nurse maybe?

LumpySpaceCow · 02/01/2016 22:48

They suck all the blood out at section! I only bled for a couple of days. First period was at 6 months when introduced solids. If you're not ebf (with no long periods between feeds) then sort out some contraception!

Dancer20 · 02/01/2016 22:49

Thank you my sister scared me a bit because she had a section 16 weeks ago and bled for 7 weeks so I thought something was wrong. Il buy a test tomorrow cz I keep thinking my period is coming and it doesn't so I will test to find out.

I feel so stupid having to write that post can't believe I'm in this situation really should have known better.

In terms of passing the clot at 5 weeks is that normal ?

OP posts:
LumpySpaceCow · 02/01/2016 22:50

And regarding testing, leave it at least 2 weeks from last unprotected sex and use first morning wee.

Dancer20 · 02/01/2016 22:51

See I felt brilliant 4 days after my section. I'm not bf as the midwife wouldn't show me how as they were short staffed and they gave my partner a bottle to feed her when I was being closed so I never got the chance.

OP posts:
RJnomore1 · 02/01/2016 22:53

Don't worry about not bfing - it's only relevant because sometimes it lowers fertility but not always.

Dancer20 · 02/01/2016 22:56

Going to have to just test so I know for my appointment on Wednesday.

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Moving15 · 02/01/2016 23:00

Your bleeding sounds normal. They give you a quick clean out before they sew you back up so the discharge is less than after a 'natural' birth.

Jw35 · 02/01/2016 23:06

I had a section (planned) and bled for nearly 6 weeks then had a period 8 weeks post section (so only stopped bleeding about 2 weeks)! Not sure what's normal or not. If in doubt it's always worth doing a test though?

RosieTheCat · 02/01/2016 23:34

Had my emcs April 2014 bled very lightly for about a week when questioned my midwife said they give you a clean out
Period wise I've only had the one this November so almost 17 months since cs (now I'm expecting DC 2) everyone's different

Dancer20 · 03/01/2016 11:01

Thanks I'm going get a test tomorrow il keep Yous all informed

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Dancer20 · 05/01/2016 00:36

Took a test it's negative :)

Have also took my period but sorry for TMI but have a lot of flesh coloured clots almost looks like skin along with dark blood so I'm going to have to make an appointment with drs tomorrow

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