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For those avopiding asparteme - what do you drink that is low calorie other than water?

30 replies

mears · 24/05/2010 11:54

I know about the asparteme health risks but would like advice on what is nice to drink but naturally low in sugar? Want to avoid sugar due to diabetic son.

Suggestions please.

OP posts:
mears · 24/05/2010 12:21


OP posts:
Adair · 24/05/2010 12:25

Sainsbury's squash drinks have sucralose rather than aspartame... Or is that not good? Is fruit sugar no good too? I dilute fruit juice for my kids

pagwatch · 24/05/2010 12:28

My DD and DS drink water or diluted fruit juice. Meridian pear cordial is quite nice.

But actually they both are now in the habit of drinking lots of water - cold tap water mostly or sometimes fizzy mineral water.

And it is just habit really. They don't need sweet drinks and get used to it really quickly

catinthehat2 · 24/05/2010 12:32

Peppermint teabag, make it up strong, dilute with cold water from fridge.

And same with other fruity/herby Twining s type teabags.

seeker · 24/05/2010 12:32

What's wrong with iced water?

Or diluted fruit juice.

mears · 24/05/2010 13:19

Thanks for suggestions.

I have grown up family and water can be pretty boring. I like diet coke but have decided to give it up.

My children never got asparteme as youngsters and I drank diet drinks to avoid weight gain. Seems that is pretty counter productive and you get used to it.

Started getting more diet drinks when DS3 was diagnosed at 16 years. He is now 19yrs so is an adult.

Will scout around for more choices.

OP posts:
BallpointPen · 24/05/2010 13:26

We drink high juice, don't know how calorific or not it is but it has artificial sweeteners in it.

Also mint tea.

MarthaFarquhar · 24/05/2010 13:34

my DD really will not drink plain water (led to a UTI last time we tried to push the point

we have sainsbury's flavoured still water in a variety of flavours. they are articficially sweetened with sucralose. I have no idea if this is any better than aspartame though.

Sonilaa · 24/05/2010 13:43

flavoured rosehip tea. I make a large teapot in the morning. at the moment I*m sipping strawberry flavour.

Adair · 24/05/2010 13:43

Bah, just typed long response then lost it.

Sainsburys. All 'no added sugar' drinks (fizzy and otherwise) have sucralose not aspartame.

Sucralose fine for diabetics (did a quick google).

Water ideal of course, but understand if he misses his diet coke! (ps sains diet coke tastes nice btw, unlike hideous tescos version)

BallpointPen · 24/05/2010 14:19

Duh, I meant no artificial sweeteners.

Ours is from Sainsbos too.

Isn't sucralose a bit like fructose? A sort of sugar but not....?

mears · 24/05/2010 14:41


Sucralose can cause diarrhoea and abdominal cramps if taken in vast quantites but that should be fine in moderation.

Haven't got a Sainsbury's yet but one is being built as we speak.

OP posts:
cocolepew · 24/05/2010 14:45

Robinsons Be Natural it has natural sugar in it and no sweetners, on the nutritionalbit it says sugar - trace. You need very little of it to dilute.

flibbertigibbert · 24/05/2010 15:24

I have tap water with a few drops of lemon juice from a bottle. I'm used to it now and don't miss squash. The lemon is enough to cover the taste of horrible London tap water

333cmb · 24/05/2011 11:47

Does anybody know why Robinsons Be Natural drinks are being withdrawn from sale?
I note from some posts here some mums have it as their favorate - Does anyone know of a similar alternative?

I spoke to their customer services (Britvic on 0800 0321767) - who said the product was under review by the 'Brand Manager' - does this mean they aren't selling? (I've bought them every week) or are the big supermarkets squeezing shelf space for additive-laden competitors?

It's a pity as these drinks are not only nasty-additive free but taste very nice! (yes, there is sugar but I'd prefer that to anything chemical)

The customer services rep said 'they had been getting many calls' regarding Be Natural drinks but didn't know if it would be comming back on sale. There may be a chance here for those who do like the drink - give them a call or email ( and it could be saved!

create · 24/05/2011 12:03

TBH, I think it's a question of educating your taste buds. Is this for you or the diabetic son?

I only ever drink water now (apart from wine) after years of saying I didn't like it.

I started having it hot with a slice of lemon, but now just have it plain (hot or cold) and find that there's nothing else I actually want to drink - will ask for tap water in the pub if I'm not having a "proper" drink

prolificwillybreeder · 24/05/2011 17:42

Iced tea any good?

rockinhippy · 24/05/2011 18:05

I mix sparkling water with juice, usually cranberry - lovely & refreshing, without all the nasties :)

rockinhippy · 24/05/2011 18:08

somehow posted before I'd finished typing Confused DD likes it with apple juice, or blueberry :)

onepieceofcremeegg · 24/05/2011 18:09

I also drink plain tap water (hot or cold) with a few drops of pure lemon or lime juice. (either bottled lemon/lime, or fresh)

If I have a fresh lemon, I cut about 4 very thin slices, put in a mug and top with boiling water.

I also like soda water, not sure if that is low calorie or what is in it though.

Decaff coffee (percol instant) isn't bad imo.

Dropdeadfred · 24/05/2011 18:10

here is no real eveidence that aspartame is bad for you as far as i know...alot of unsubstantiated claims but no solid evidence

onepieceofcremeegg · 24/05/2011 18:11

have done a quick google of soda water and it fits your criteria. Have with a bit of pure lemon or lime as above. :)


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goodlifemummy · 24/05/2011 21:30

bottlegreen pomegranate and elderflower with soda water - yum! Please don't tell me there's a gazillion calories in it!

mankyscotslass · 24/05/2011 21:34

Soda and Lime cordial with lots of ice.....yum!

PoopyFingers · 28/05/2011 15:50

Is soda water just fizzy water? Is it time to dust off the soda stream?

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