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What is everyone going to do about sausages?

62 replies

Perfectomonday · 13/05/2019 19:16

So sausages, bacon and other processed meats are now proven to definitely cause cancer, appearing in the top group of causes on the cancer research website.

I tried having a serious conversation with H about altering our eating habits since this has been in the news, but he laughs and says its nonsense.

It's not though is it? I've had a few other blank faces on mentioning it to other people and I'm guessing reactions were similar when it was first discovered that smoking causes cancer.

Maybe I'm taking this so seriously after losing a very close family member to a digestive cancer?

What is everyone else going to do about sausages/bacon etc?

OP posts:
CarrieBlu · 13/05/2019 19:18

Well, what can you do except eat vegetarian alternatives instead? Not that big a deal to switch if it bothers you.

NorthernRunner · 13/05/2019 19:19

I despise sausages and bacon, always have.
Linda McCartney sausages are delicious.

My husband and I have made a decision to cut down on our meat consumption, not just for health but also for the environment.

I make a lot of veggie bean burgers, tofu tacos, veggie curries, homemade pizzas. It’s not hard, and actually it’s cheaper. I do put chilli on everything because you can find some meals ‘lack’ a little but we both feel better!

Cakemonger · 13/05/2019 19:21

I stopped buying bacon, ham and sausages after reading this article:

I'll order them occasionally when I eat out but I don't buy them to cook at home. They weren't a big part of my diet already though so it wasn't too hard.

teyem · 13/05/2019 19:21

We had to have a massive sea change on packed lunches, ham was a firm favourite. So now everyone has chicken sandwiches and I hope they're all out school before they decided that it's also a class A carcinogen.

greensnail · 13/05/2019 19:22

I don't buy any bacon or sausages any more. We have bowel cancer in the family so I want to do what I can to reduce the risk for DH and the DC. If they want to eat it outside the house that is up to them but I won't buy or cook it for them

MintyCedric · 13/05/2019 19:27

We rarely eat sausages, maybe half a dozen times a year if that. Ditto ham...proscuitto on a pizza or as antipasti a few times a year. Bacon about once a week as part of a Caesar salad and a gammon joint maybe once every 4-6 weeks as a roast during the colder months.

I've not read the info yet but tbh I don't think it will change out eating habits massively

donquixotedelamancha · 13/05/2019 19:40

So sausages, bacon and other processed meats are now proven to definitely cause cancer

They increase the risk of cancer. That increase is from a small base, so the absolute risk is (for example) much lower than smoking.

To answer the OP: I plan to eat them in great quantities. Mmmm bacon.

Dulcedelecherocks · 13/05/2019 20:29

I had bowel cancer last year and although it was not caused by diet, I felt very stupid to realise I didn't know about this until about a couple of months ago.
So I've decided to cut down red meat to once a week and no longer eat or buy ham / bacon / sausages. H said it was all a load of crap and wants to eat it all so I've told him he's welcome to cook it but I won't.
Made changes to dd (5) diet and she no longer eats ham either.
I've swapped things like mince beef for turkey and made my own meatballs and so far she's not complained.
I do feel better for doing something even if it's too late for me as I feel I need to teach her good eating habits for her to protect herself.

screamer1 · 13/05/2019 20:31

God I feed sausages to my kids once a week!

Baloonphobia · 13/05/2019 20:36

The more expensive meat like prosciutto doesn't have the same cancer causing ingredient.

Fumnudge · 13/05/2019 20:39

You can buy nitrate free bacon so I would imagine they will start producing sausages and ham made the same. The biggest trouble was getting the red/pink coloration we are used to seeing.
The bacon tastes fine according to DH.

Perfectomonday · 14/05/2019 09:20

Thanks for the responses. I will definitely not be cooking sausages or bacon at home anymore... DH can do what he likes. I think it makes it more of a concern having lost a dear family member to the sort of cancer that can be caused by eating it.

My children eat at their grand-parents house 1-2 times a week and beans and sausages (from a tin) is their little weekly tradition and ham sandwiches. As much as I don't want to go in putting a stop to everything, I don't really want them eating this stuff either.

OP posts:
Perfectomonday · 14/05/2019 09:22

@dulce I'm so sorry to hear of your own health problems and hope that you're in recovery. Thankyou for the fantastic ideas. Turkey mince will be the new bolognese ingredient I think!

OP posts:
EleanorReally · 14/05/2019 09:24

I forgot about the ham sausages and bacon, they are a weekly staple in my house.

EleanorReally · 14/05/2019 09:24

but why swap beef mince for turkey?

PolkadotsAndMoonbeams · 14/05/2019 09:25

I'm sure I've read that most 'traditional' British sausages aren't that bad? It might be worth reading some packets and seeing which ones don't contain nitrates as the preservative.

MustardScreams · 14/05/2019 09:26

Dd and I live in a city center so we’re fucked from car fumes anyway. A bit of organic streaky bacon at the weekend is one of our favourite breakfasts and we won’t be giving it up anytime soon.

PlinkPlink · 14/05/2019 09:29

We switched to chicken sausages and Turkey bacon... not sure about the nitrite content actually... I'll have a check.

But I know the chicken sausages and Turkey bacon are infinitely better from a protein, sat fat and sugar POV.

ErrolTheDragon · 14/05/2019 09:31

We get the cauldron foods veggie sausages, they're not bad (DD preferred them to meat, and they're easy to cook straight from the freezer). We've started getting Parma ham rather than normal ham/bacon, it's not cured with nitrites. It's one of the things we get from Aldi as they don't charge nearly so much as elsewhere, and obviously it's more of a flavouring than a staple - a slice wrapped around chicken or cod for instance.

ExpletiveDelighted · 14/05/2019 09:33

We tried nitrate/nitrite free bacon and ham, both tasted a bit weird, the bacon had a much shorter shelf life than usual. Tried chicken sausages this week and they were bland and tasteless.

We're cutting back a bit, but not too worried, the overall risk is still pretty low.

MadeleineMaxwell · 14/05/2019 10:18

I think it makes sense with an increased risk of hereditary bowel/stomach cancer in the family to cut down/eliminate red and processed meats. It probably makes sense for everyone else too, but a bacon buttie or steak every now and again is OK.

Your alternatives are either veg or white meat-based products. Smoked tofu is kick-ass IMO, as is tofu in general, but some people might not like the texture. Turkey thigh mince makes a great alternative to beef or pork mince, and most people don't even notice the difference. You can make your own skinless sausages with it if you like, just pop them in the freezer for 10 minutes after shaping to firm them up, then fry.

Bacon is a tough one - I don't think there's a great alternative, but maybe I just haven't found it yet!

BlueSkiesLies · 14/05/2019 15:35

You can buy nitrate free bacon and ham


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WeepingWillowWeepingWino · 14/05/2019 15:37

I have also read that the pig industry (not sure if this is UK or elsewhere) is one of the worst for animal welfare.

We eat Sainsbo's frozen veggie sausages with Australian BBQ sauce - yum!

popehilarious · 14/05/2019 15:38

Have you got a link to the evidence you're referring to in your OP? Would like to read the risks for myself.

Alena92 · 14/05/2019 15:41

I’ve cut down a huge amount and I’m happier in the knowledge that I’ve tried to limit my risk as much as possible. I don’t smoke and drink a couple of glasses of wine only on special occasions so it was a natural step for me to make a dietary change. I still like red meat but the more I read about it, the more I get put off it. I used to absolutely love it and now I could go forever without it. It’s not not nonsense, it’s very real

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