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Nduja Pesto

6 replies

GezFox · 08/09/2018 17:51

Just bought a jar - what can i do with it? ! Smells divine!

OP posts:
karmakameleon · 08/09/2018 18:18

Where do you get this from? Sounds delicious!

GezFox · 09/09/2018 08:14

from waitrose - its made be Sacla so should be able to pick up in other stores

OP posts:
karmakameleon · 09/09/2018 09:07

Just checked on Ocado and they don't have it yet so special trip to Waitrose may be in order.

Lots of lovely recipes on the sacla website though.

GezFox · 15/09/2018 12:59

Thanks ! They look great ! I added a tsp to tomato pasta sauce and it was yum

OP posts:
GimbleInTheWabe · 16/09/2018 10:30

Ooh @GezFox slather the rest of the jar all over a chicken stuffed with butter and sage and roast- delicious! Serve with new potatoes and a salad for something lighter.

Or I saw a nice recipe of ndjua roast potatoes too in a recipe book somewhere, it sounded fantastic but I couldn't get my hands on the paste at the time. Pretty sure it was just toss boiled potatoes in the late and roast until they are delicious.

Could be quite nice in a pasta bake with lots of mozzarella and roasted veg made up in the pesto. I'd serve with blobs of mascarpone on top drizzled with the oil from the pesto for extra deliciousness and bread for mopping up the sauce.

foodiefil · 16/09/2018 20:26

@GimbleInTheWabe lovely suggestion. Think that's our Friday tea sorted for next week 😉

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