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7 Month - Next stage with food...any help greatly appreciated!

5 replies

maxwellsmum · 22/11/2006 16:06

I have so far muddled my way through feeding with the advise of HV, reading numerous books and websites...and from friends - but a lot of them have older children so info gets a little distorted.
My DS is now 7 months and i'm a bit stuck, i dont know when or what the next step is.
This is his daily feeding routine:
Wakes up and has 8oz milk
Breakfast - porridge/weetabix with fruit
Lunch - a meal i've cooked, (eg. chicken & s/potato etc) and a yoghurt
Early afternoon - 8oz milke, but often doesnt finish it all
About 4/5 - a small meal like s/potato & orange, or leek & potato mash and a little pudding
Before bed 8oz Milk

What do you think to his meals? Am i doing it right? Is there a point where he'll drop a bottle? I have no idea where i go and as i'm at work i dont get to see the HV any more.
I worry that i'm doing it wrong and would love some advise.

OP posts:
katyjo · 22/11/2006 17:56

What a lovely name, I really liked Max too!
My ds is 8 months and I am doing pretty much the same as you, I Have been trying to give juice with every meal and I think eventually they drop the afternoon feed.
I have started giving a few bits a finger food, which he loves, just cheese on toast and a few veggies, very messy though.
Sounds like you are doing much better than me, ds has started waking in the night and I can't help but think it is something I am doing but I think its just his age, seperation anxiety or something!
Sorry I've not been much help.

maxwellsmum · 23/11/2006 08:39

Thank you.
I have also started giving him a few fingers foods when he gets home from nursery (at about 5pm) and he seems to be enjoying it, although gets very frustrated.

Would you suggested perhaps giving the nursery the finger foods so that he actually does it every day etc?

OP posts:
katyjo · 23/11/2006 11:21

I don't give them everyday, just when it suits both me and ds.

I found big pieces of cheese on toast are the best, ds grabs and sucks them, I make a puree as well which I feed him in between the dropping, I find that way I make sure he is getting penty to eat - hard to tell how much they eat, with all the dropped bits, messy or what!

I don't give finger foods on the days I work, my mum watches ds and I hate to think what she gives him!
Do whatever suits you, sounds like you are doing a grand job!


Enid · 23/11/2006 11:25

maxwellsmum dd3 is 7 months in a few days and her menu is almost identical to yours . She does eat lots of finger foods too though so tea might be some veg in cheese sauce (fed by me) then some sandwiches or bread and butter that she feeds herself. she also has toast for breakfast.

Enid · 23/11/2006 11:26

I judge how much she eats by comparing the amount in the dustpan with the amount she started with

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