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Tell me about rack of Lamb

2 replies

Battlefront · 05/01/2013 20:59

I have 2 in the freezer (don't ask!) and have no idea how to cook them or how to eat them once they're cooked. They look to be all bone, how do you get your fork and knife in to eat them, or are they treated like ribs? Blush

OP posts:
TheSilveryTinsellyPussycat · 06/01/2013 16:28

You cook them as a roast, either in a crown (with little paper hats on each [trimmed] bone if you want to be retro) or like a rib of pork. I don't think it takes all that long. Then you cut portions, either into 3 chops each person still joined, or into individual chops - which is what they are, really.

Battlefront · 06/01/2013 17:36

Thank you

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