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Two backgrounds - one name. Help required please!

9 replies

stereo · 24/11/2010 13:00

Hi all. My husband is not from the UK and therefore we would like a name which works for both nationalities.

Most of these names are the very traditional classic ones which we like but are worried may sound a little bit too try hard and pretentious In this country. This is not the aim! We just want a nice name that works for both our backgrounds.

The names we're considering are:

We're veering towards Albert but are concerned this sounds the most try-hard of the lot! Please help with your thoughts! Ta!

OP posts:
Dolittlest · 24/11/2010 13:01

What are your backgrounds? Many names are present in different cultures in different forms, iyswim, e.g. Mary, Maria, Maryam.
Could you pick a name like that?

ConstanceFelicity · 24/11/2010 13:02

Albert is lovely! As is Arthur (but I don't know if you want a child with the same name as the PMs son...)

Takver · 24/11/2010 13:25

I know a teenage Albert, he's not at all pretentious!

But I think all your names are absolutely fine, none of them sound in the least odd at all.

frakkinup · 24/11/2010 13:35

I like Frederick best personally but wouldn't see bat an eyelid at Albert. DH likes it for our list but I have a great uncle Albie and I know in English that nickname would come down.

Which nationalities are you working with? Some names which 'work' in linguistically carry connotations culturally. Or would have different spellings to contend with!

The ones you've mentioned work in most languages without being negative though.

frakkinup · 24/11/2010 13:37

Wouldn't see bat?!

Not sure what the extra word in there should have been!

MentalFloss · 24/11/2010 13:38

My DS 17 is called Albert so I am a bit biased but I absolutely adore it!

It is very classic and timeless IMO

mylifewithstrangers · 24/11/2010 13:44

All those names are very much in keeping with the old-man chic trend that seems to be going round. Lots of Albert/Albies and Fredericks/Freds around here. Benjamin quite common anyway. My favourite is Arthur.

MJM86 · 24/11/2010 14:30

Benjamin is my favourite and was on my list but hubby didn't agree with me and preferred Ben on its on :(

ShoppingDays · 24/11/2010 14:31

I think Frederick and Benjamin are the nicest on your list :)

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