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Is this a horrible self fulfilling prophecy...

19 replies

Soubriquet · 03/12/2020 05:49

Or just hyper imagination?

I really hope it’s the second one because it would be awful being the first

I keep having a terrible recurring dream that I’m at work, and I fall over on a wet floor, and shatter one if not both my kneecaps.

Whenever I think about it whilst I’m awake, my knees physically ache.

So wise mumnetters. What do you think?

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HooverWhenTheCoastIsClear · 03/12/2020 06:10

To dream of broken knees denotes you have revealed that there is a weakness in your plans or in your thinking. To dream of more than one broken knee in a person signifies a perceived obstruction or inability to cope in an area of your life. ... Dreaming of many knees signifies that opinions of others are important.

minou123 · 03/12/2020 06:12

I love dream interpretation.

From a little bit of research broken knee caps means you need to take a break. I think your mind is telling you, you are pushing yourself too far and hard. So your dream is showing you that you will break, but is showing you via your knees. Iyswim.

As the place is at work, are you stressed at work? Are you working far too much and need a break?
We all get a little bit stressed at work, but I think your dream is telling you, you need to make some changes.

brushandmop · 03/12/2020 06:21

Reminds me of that advert for years ago. "Have you had an accident that wasn't your fault?"

"I was walking into work and the floor was wet and there was no warning sign. I slipped and hurt my knee and I couldn't work for months." Sad faces

speakout · 03/12/2020 06:26

Do you have knee or joint problems?
Always best to look for mundane reasons first. How is your health/fitness/mobility generally?
Sometimes little niggles " break through" into dreams, as we are too busy to notice when our mind is busy and awake.

Soubriquet · 03/12/2020 06:43

Work is hard at the moment purely because I have to work so quick to get finished in time

I’m a shopper at a supermarket and orders have boomed and someone told me speed walking is bad for your maybe this is why I’m dreaming it

Not overly stressed though and as far as I know, no joint problems.

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BarefootbyMoonlight · 03/12/2020 06:58

Anything, or nothing, or something in between 😂 think that covers all bases!

If you believe dreams can be your mind’s attempt to process waking events during sleep then ask yourself what you think it means based on each element.

Dream is set in work - so possibly this is something work related - are you busy/stressed about work?

Slippy floor - might indicate something beyond your control or something temporary or a warning to be careful, or that its something simple like water but still vv messy.

Kneecaps shattering - loads of symbolism could be read in here (brought to knees, cut off at the knee, kneeling in a humbled way, or a NornIron connection Grin )

So maybe - “watch your step at work because an unexpected in-flow of something is about to make things dangerous and if you aren’t prepared you will be humbled in a very painful way” Shock

Luckily I’m not Mystic Meg so thats not a prediction just a guess. The best person to tell what it means isn’t me its you, you know what work means to you, what feeling out of control (slipping) means to you and how important your kneecaps are to you 😂

Symbolism can be shared between people groups, nations but really you need your own brain with your personal symbolism to think about what it might mean. Remembering too that it might be just a random assortment devoid of any deeper meaning - or any meaning at all.

And reading your post & typing ‘kneecaps’ so many times has made mine twinge a bit too so maybe thats the men/balls common wince thing.

But like thats a load of waffle from me - what do you think it means?

Soubriquet · 03/12/2020 07:05

I have no idea Grin

But saying that, there are so many more hazards at work when the shop is shut. Water everywhere where the fridges leak and someone’s drink has spilled, boxes and bits of cardboard too.

I’ve nearly slipped over several times and someone I know has done so maybe this worries me too

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BarefootbyMoonlight · 03/12/2020 07:08

Tab open too long & lot x posts Blush

brush or the ad with the plaintive cry ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up’ 😂 I used that phrase a lot during a quite distressing time/injured leg to try and lift spirits (worked)

BarefootbyMoonlight · 03/12/2020 07:13

Hasn’t anyone complained/addressed the complaint? It does sound a bit hazardous, esp if vision’s restricted by masks steaming glasses or riding up

Soubriquet · 03/12/2020 07:14


Hasn’t anyone complained/addressed the complaint? It does sound a bit hazardous, esp if vision’s restricted by masks steaming glasses or riding up

Many a time

I don’t think anything will change until someone has a serious accident
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1stDecember · 03/12/2020 07:27

You've just got into a loop.

Sounds like your knees were aching a bit anyway, so your brain processed that (dreaming).

Then you thought about the dream, and reinforced it during the daytime (awareness of your knees hurting). So you dream about it again...

1stDecember · 03/12/2020 07:28

I’ve nearly slipped over several times and someone I know has done so maybe this worries me too

Which is another feedback loop you have got into. And rightly so, by the sounds of it!

wildraisins · 03/12/2020 07:38

Each dream is specific to the dreamer. It's in YOUR head, after all. Those dream interpretation websites that people use really don't make any sense because you would have had to read and absorb that dictionary in order for those meanings to come up in your dreams.

I don't think your dream is a self-fulfilling prophecy but it's definitely work thinking about it and whether there is anything it could stem from. You said someone mentioned to you that speed walking is bad for your joints so it's not much of a leap for your unconscious brain to then worry about broken knee caps. But maybe you are generally feeling anxious/ worried because some people wouldn't make that leap if they were feeling settled?

I don't know - only you can interpret your dreams, and maybe a therapist! Dreams aren't prophecies, they are just your unconscious processing stuff.

BarefootbyMoonlight · 03/12/2020 07:48

That’s really shitty of your bosses, in your (non-slip) shoes I would put something in writing and start wearing knee-pads because the last thing anyone wants is an avoidable injury & trip to A&E especially this year.

Soubriquet · 03/12/2020 07:53

These are injuries I sustained one time I tripped and landed on a tote that are left layinf around

That hurt

Is this a horrible self fulfilling prophecy...
Is this a horrible self fulfilling prophecy...
Is this a horrible self fulfilling prophecy...
OP posts:
CrimsonCattery · 03/12/2020 10:58

Eesh. Would it put your mind at rest to wear some small knee/elbow protectors under your clothes?

CounsellorTroi · 03/12/2020 11:01

I remember reading somewhere that if you keep dreaming about a part of your body then that part probably needs medical attention.

Slothkin · 03/12/2020 15:16

@BarefootbyMoonlight I use ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up’ when trying to get my husband to make me a cup of tea when I’m all comfy on the sofa 😂

BarefootbyMoonlight · 03/12/2020 16:52

Grin Slothkin A variation of the blanket with arms advert is used here ‘I’m trapped! (under this cat)’

Soubriquet have they even an accident book?

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