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21 month old waking at 5am every am

8 replies

bigboydiditandranaway · 20/12/2007 12:12

Has anyone got any tips for a later am waking?

Ds still has his 2hr nap at lunchtime and he's so grumpy without it, he goes to bed 6.30-6.45 sometimes 7pm but still wakes up at 5ish.(last 3 weeks, before it was about 6-6.30am)

OP posts:
bigspender30 · 20/12/2007 13:30

My ds did this too-hes 20 months old and I had to resort to a reduced nap-1.5 hours and bedtime at 7.30pm then controlled crying in the morning. He may be waking up hungry? Do you give him supper? Or he may be cold? Make sure he has fleecy pjs on and socks. Hth x

moodlesoup · 21/12/2007 12:37

we're the same, she's 15months and has always woken at 5am. but in the last 3 weeks, she's started waking at 4am!!!! nightmare.

she only has a 1-1.5hour nap in the day after lunch, and goes to bed at 6.45pm-7pm, so she's running on empty... don't know what to do either!

we're getting up after letting her cry for about 10-15mins, and trying to put her back down, but once she sees us she gets really upset, so after another 5 mins we get her up and bring her into our bed for a cuddle. she only lasts 15 mins before she wants to sit up.

i'm a my wits end as i've just started a new job, and need my rest. i'm going to bed at 8.30pm every night so that i can get a good night's sleep but i'm so knackered!

robin3 · 21/12/2007 15:17

Same here. We were saying last night that DS1 was the same but we'd forgotten and it was summer.

We do a nightfeed when he wakes. I go in and cuddle/cover with a blanket. DP goes downstairs and gets 5oz of warm milk, then whilst he drinks DP changes his nappy whilst he's on my knee...all in the dark bar the light comeing in through the door. Usually this means he falls back asleep immediately but wakes up the minute he touches his cot....after 2/3 attempts I can usually go back to sleep but it's still a massive disturbance. Other thing that helps to resettle is putting a microwavable bag where his head is in the cot so you can take it away and place them back on a warm sheet.

All this said we're desperately trying to come up with a solution but as yet no luck.

moodlesoup · 21/12/2007 18:55

someone suggested that i disturb her roughly an hour before she normally wakes. apparently it that helps get them into a deeper sleep (think its in the baby whisperer book), but i'm so scared of being up even earlier that i haven't tried it!

Desiderata · 21/12/2007 19:03

It's a phase. My ds did this for a while at a similar age. Fortunately, though, I live in a flat so I could stay in bed with one eye/ear open.

It won't be long before he forgoes that afternoon nap. When that's over with, your problems will be over. Honest

chocolateshoes · 21/12/2007 19:03

Might it be a little cold in her bedroom at that time? And that is causing her to wake? We have a little heater on a timer that comes on at 3.30am until our central heating kicks in.

chocolateshoes · 21/12/2007 19:04

sorry - just reread and see it is I mean his not her!

fizzbuzz · 21/12/2007 19:51

Don't they need about 11 hours sleep at this age? 6.30 to 5.30mis 11 hours.

I would perhaps try for a later bedtime, about 7.30-8.00.

Ds went to bed at 6.45pm at that age, and woke at 5.45 every morning WITHOUT FAIL.

Dd goes about 8.00pm and wakes about 7.00

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