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2 year old food issues

4 replies

Cake0rdeath · 22/01/2016 09:43

DS has a very limited diet and we've got into some really bad habits in order to get him to eat.

Breakfast: porridge with a dollop of jam/Cereal. Usually ignored but he'll take a few bites. Then demand a sodding yogurt.
Lunch: he won't take sandwiches so usually bread and butter, tiny bit of cheese. On a really good day he'll take a small bowl of chicken soup (from a tin-won't touch homemade stuff) or a bit of quiche.

Snack: banana and raisins

Dinner. Pasta or noodles (which I make using low fat stock pots). Every night. Occasionally a little bit of fresh chicken, fresh fish fingers or sausages. Peas or broccoli only.

While I freely accept this is shit, I've gotten used to it. I keep offering new foods and always give him a bit of what we'd having for dinner. It usually doesn't even get a glance-hohum.

The new issue is his obsession with snack foods. Yogurt sucky pouches, packets of dried fruit, ice lollies -anything fruity.

He won't even touch his dinner unless he has an ice lolly in hand, alternating licks with a bite of his beloved noodles.

For reference, feeding has been an issue from the very beginning (throat issues) so I've been a lot more lenient than I should have been in order to get him to eat anything. My fault, I know.

Any suggestions?

OP posts:
Imeg · 22/01/2016 12:57

If he has no health problems and hasn't got a sore throat or anything then if it was me I'd be inclined to decide what I was going to offer him and stick to it: if he doesn't eat it you I wouldn't make a fuss or tell him off but just take it away and offer him his next meal whenever it's time for it. He is not going to starve if he misses a few meals (or even a few days' meals). Talk to your gp or health visitor first if you're worried.
I would probably give him something he's used to at either lunch or dinner so it's not all new, or maybe keep the banana and raisins snack, especially if it will help you to feel that he's had something.
Be prepared for lots of tantrums, but treat them the same as any other tantrum eg over a dropped toy - it's a battle of wills. Make sure any other people in the house are agreed and prepared to stick to it. Ideally start when you have a supportive friend/relative/partner around to back you up (not someone who will slip him yoghurts behind your back....) Lots of praise for eating any new food, but ignore if he doesn't eat, just get him down from the table. Would it help if you were busy while he's eating eg doing the washing up, reading a book or similar, so you've got something to distract you and you're not hovering over him?

Anyway, you need to find something that will work for you but that would be my approach, good luck :)

Highlove · 22/01/2016 15:23

I think that's good advice from the PP. You've really just got to go with a little bit of tough love and accept that at first he may not eat much but that if he's generally well and without major food issues, he won't starve himself.
Maybe start with keeping breakfast and dinner the same but offer him whatever you're having for dinner. If he doesn't eat it, take it away without comment and move on. I wouldn't give yoghurt afterwards - maybe just a v small amount of fruit, not enough that he'll fill up on it. I also wouldn't offer a snack later. And I'd just drop the lollies altogether. He'll be cross but will get over it!
I'd personally also drop the banana and raisin snack - my DD just doesn't have a big appetite and is prone to fussiness. If I give her snack she'll only pick at main meals, so I now just don't bother with snacks and she doesn't seem to mind and definitely eats better at mealtimes.
I also second the busying yourself with washing up or whatever, if you aren't eating with him. (Obviously eating with him is preferable but not always practical.) You can keep a vague eye on him and chat, but it kind of takes the pressure off.

Highlove · 22/01/2016 15:24

Oh and don't beat yourself up that this is your fault - early feeding problems are stressful. And you're going to sort it now!

ODog · 22/01/2016 20:31

It doesn't sound an awful diet to me despite it being fairly limited. I have heard of toddlers who only eat banana and bread Hmm. Pps have some good ideas, I just wanted to add an alternative view. Maybe give up on formal meals for a bit and try grazing platters. So make up a platter of different bits that you are happy for him to eat and leave it somewhere he has access to. You may find that he eats more than you think. Try reading toddlercalm by Sarah ockwell smith as that's where I stole this idea from. My DS has never been too fussy but I do this sometimes instead of a 'sit down' lunch as I find this is when he is least likely to eat much.

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