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i was dough - nutted on the train on sunday by three fat jewllery makers

67 replies

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:31

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FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:35

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ahundredtimes · 30/07/2007 17:42

They sound wonderful. Perhaps there was a Jewellery Makers Convention. Were they excited? Looking forward to a day of speeches on Anvils and Effective Beading into the Twenty-First Century?

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:44

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FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:44

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FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:46

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FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:46

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ahundredtimes · 30/07/2007 17:49

lol. I don't think they were going to a convention you know. I think they'd agreed, in a sudden flurry of excitment and derring-do, to travel up and go to the V&A for inspiration for their end of term 'project.'

John thinks it's a good idea.

The Resin lady has been before. 'Oh yes' she said, 'It's fascinating. I'll show you around if you like'.

Twitter twitter.

I like them.

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:50

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FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:51

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RubySlippers · 30/07/2007 17:52

sounds alan bennet-esque (in a nice way)

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:53

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ahundredtimes · 30/07/2007 17:54

lady 2 SO has a house full of doilies and glasses and vases. She just felt nervous and undermined, because she never broke one and has soldered one under her extractor fan. She panicked. Her palms sweated. she blurted out 'Oh THEM? I can't stand vases and glasses. I won't have them in the house.'

Nobody believed her. Everyone knew.

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 17:54

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ahundredtimes · 30/07/2007 17:55


She was out of her depth. She wondered why she was there. She wanted to ask someone what the V&A was, but some how it never came up.

BUT she gets best end of term mark. She is a hidden talent. We will buy her jewellery in superdrug and make her a millionaire.

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 18:03

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ahundredtimes · 30/07/2007 18:07

ahah. Is excellent Evening Class Revenge, and also quick, handy explanation as to why despite being deeply trendy and arty, they are all doing jewellery evening class instead.

Oh dear. Now I'm depressed about them. And they were fat.


FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 18:08

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ahundredtimes · 30/07/2007 18:09

No but they'd have thought they were arty, I suppose. God I hope they had a good day. I liked them, now I'm depressed.

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 18:10

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edam · 30/07/2007 18:14

They sound horribly familiar from my mother's friends - she makes 12th scale miniatures for dolls houses. Although she is hopefully getting a scholarship to go and study in the US (seriously!) so something good might come of it.

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 18:14

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TranquilaManana · 30/07/2007 18:14

thread v funny.
100x - youre a nutter.


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edam · 30/07/2007 18:15

She tells me about all this stuff, too, and I have to listen carefully and say 'yes' and 'no' and 'ooh, really' in all the right places!

ahundredtimes · 30/07/2007 18:20

She'll meet Lady2 there, in the states. Resin lady will email her with bitter anecdotes about John letching after the new evening class intake, and asking pointed questions about what can she possibly be learning so far away?

It'll all end in tears.

Except for your mother, and lady 2 of course.

FluffyMummy123 · 30/07/2007 18:21

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